Commercial Tax Department FORM -K RETURNFOR PAYMENTOF TAXATCOMPOUNDEDRATE (other than works contract) [See rules 3(2) and19(8)] TIN To The AssessingAuthority, .......... Name ofthe business: .................... Address : ..................... ..................... ..................... Turnover details- Sl.No. Description of the goods Total turnover (in Rs.) Exemption claimed (in Rs.) Taxable turnover (in Rs.) Rate of Tax TaxDue (in Rs.) Total 1.Gross Taxdue Rs. 2.Adjustments * Rs. 3.Taxdue Rs. Tai4.axpd Rs. 5.altaxpdvdpu Bance aiie Receit /Cheqe / D.DNo.......dated...for Rs..... *State reasons for adjustments DECLARATION I/We...........S/o ................. declare that to the best ofmy/ouede andbeli,nfon frnin r knowlgefthe iormatiushedithe abovs trul e statement ie andcompete. Place : Signature: Date : Name andDesignation /Status andRelationship to the dealer with seal: