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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Agreement for Supply of electricity (High Tension and Extra High Tension)

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of electricity
TitleAgreement for Supply of electricity (High Tension and Extra High Tension)
Document Size14.9 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY (HIGH TENSION/EXTRA HIGH TENSION) AN AGREEMENT made this the _______day of _______of 20____ between [_________________________ name/description of the Company/Body/Association receiving electricity ___________________________] ( hereinafter referred to as 'the consumer' and which term shall include its successors and assigns) of the One Part and the Meghalaya State Electricity Board an electricity distribution licensee under the Electricity Act, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Board' and which term shall include its successors and assigns) of the Other Part. WHEREAS, the consumer is [................... here briefly mentioned the nature of business/work/activity of ...........] and requires electricity of quantum _________ KVA at __________ voltage level for the purpose of ____________________________________; AND, WHEREAS, the consumer has applied to the Board for supply of electricity required and the Board has agreed to supply it; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: (1) That the total connected load shall be ______________ KVA as declared in the Annexure appended hereto. (2) That the Contracted Load of supply shall be ______ for the 1st year, _______ for the 2nd year, ____________ for the 3rd year, ___________ for the 4th year ___________ for the 5th year. (3) That the consumer shall draw power of not less than 80 percent and not more than ________ percent of the contracted load; (4) that the consumer shall not sell the electricity supplied except utilizing it for the purpose hereinbefore stipulated. (5) That the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003 and the Regulations, Code and Orders, including Tariffs Orders, as may be made form time to time by the Meghalaya State Electricity Regulatory Commission shall apply ain matters, including disputes, if any, relating to supply of electricity under this Agreement. (6) That the consumer shall regularly and timely pay to the Board all charges as may be due for the supply of electricity; (7) That the Agreement shall be for a period of 5 (five) years from the date of its execution subject to renewal on terms as may be mutually agreed upon and the terms and conditions thereof shall specifically be effective from the date of supply of the electricity is commenced. (8) That the Agreement shall be terminated if the consumer on its part desires it so and gives to the Board a prior notice of not less than one month or, on the part of the Board, if the consumer has violated any of the terms and conditions of the agreement; 1 Provided that on the part of the Board notice shall be given to the consumer stating the reasons for the proposed termination and giving him opportunity to state his case and his statement, if any, duly considered before the agreement is terminated and the supply of electricity cut off; IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the date, month and year first above written. ( ) ( ) For and on behalf of and by authorization For and on behalf of and by authorization Of ___________________________ the Meghalaya State Electricity Board (the Consumer) Witness:- Name: Designation / Occupation Signature 1. 2. 3. 2
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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