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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application for Grant of Permission to Sell Non-Standard Fertilizers

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of Agriculture
TitleApplication for Grant of Permission to Sell Non-Standard Fertilizers
Document Size18.2 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FERTILISER (CONTROL) ORDER, 1985 EMBLEM FORM H (See CIs.23(1) (b)) Application for Grant of Permission to sell Non-Standard Fertilizers To The Registering Authority, Place...... State of.... 1. Full Name and address of the applicant: 2. The name of fertilizers in which the applicant has been authorized to carry on business: 3. Number and date of registration certificate granted in favour of the applicant: 4. The particulars of non-standard fertilizers which are intended to be sold: (i) Name of the fertilizers: (ii) The source from which the fertilizers were originally purchased and the period during which they have been held by the applicant: (iii) Brief reasons leading to the material having become non-standard: (iv) The chemical specifications as analysed by an authorized chemical laboratory: (v) Name and appearance of non-standard fertilizers: Note:- Chemical analysis to be indicated shall be one which has been certified by an authorized chemical laboratory on the basis of the samples drawn, sealed and dispatched in the presence of the local Inspector of Fertilisers or any body authorized to inspect the fertilizers. I enclose a copy of the certificate of registration for dealing in fertilizers already granted to me and I have deposited the prescribed fee for permission to sell non-standard fertilizers. I certify that I will comply with the requirement of sub-clause (a) of CI.23 of the Fertiliser (Control) Order, 1985 which requires that each container of non-standard fertilizers is to be conspicuously super-scribed with the words "Non-standard" and also with the sign "X" both in red colour. Signature of the Applicant Name and address of applicant in block letters Date: Place: II. Insecticides Act i. Form-I Application for registration of Insecticides. ii. Form-II-B Appeal under section 10 of the Insecticides Act. 1968 to the Central Government. iii. Form-III Application for the grant of licence to manufacture Insecticides. iv. Form-IV Application for renewal of licence to manufacture Insecticides. v. Form-VI Application for the grant of licence to sell, or exhibit for sale or distribute Insecticides. vi. Form-VI-A Application for the grant of licence to stock and use restricted insecticides for commercial pest control operations. vii. Form-VI-B Application for renewal of licence to stock and use of restricted insecticides for commercial pest-control operation (s). viii. Form-VII Application for renewal of the licence to sell stock or exhibit for sale of distribute insecticides.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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