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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application for Licence to be granted/ Renewed under the Punjab Exhibitions of Films on Television Screen through Video Cassette Player (Regulation)

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DepartmentDepartment of media & entertainment
TitleApplication for Licence to be granted/ Renewed under the Punjab Exhibitions of Films on Television Screen through Video Cassette Player (Regulation)
Document Size18.2 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM III (See Rule 10) Licence to be granted under the Punjab Exhibitions of Films on Television Screen through Video Cassette Player (Regulation) 1. Name of the licensee 2. Address 3. Situation of the place 4. Area in square metres of a. Building b. Auditorium c. Passage and gangway d. Urinals and WC's 5. Special conditions, if any, on which license is granted 6. Period for which licence is to be in force. 7. Fee paid 8. (a) Maximum number of persons permitted (b) Maximum rate of admission allowed. CONDITIONS OF THE LICENCE: The licence is granted subject to the provisions of Punjab Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1952 and the Punjab Exhibition of films on Television Screen through Video Cassette Player (Regulation) Rules, 1989 and the conditions specified below: 1. The Licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited any film other than a film which has been certified as suitable for public exhibition by the authority constituted under section 4 of Cinematograph Act, 1952 and which when exhibited displays the prescribed mark of the Central Board of film Censors and has not been altered or tampered with in any manner since such mark was affixed thereto. 2. The licensee shall submit the synopsis of the film to the licensing authority forty eight before exhibiting the same on Television Screen through Video Cassette Player if such a film has not been released and exhibited on the cinema screen. 3. No film suspended under section 6 of the Cinematograph Act, shall be exhibited. 4. The licensee shall not allow any film exhibited by means of Cinematograph before 12.00 noon or after 10.00 P.M or as may be specified by the Licensing authority, except in transport vehicles. 5. The licensee shall not exhibit advertisement slides relating to sexual diseases and medicines to correct sexual disorder or purposing to assist the childless in getting children. 6. The licensee shall not exhibit or cause to be displayed any photograph, picture or poster which depicts or represents or purpose to represent or depict a scene or shot which has been excised from any film under the order of the Central Board of fire Censors or the Central Government. 7. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic liquor during the exhibition shall not be permitted. 8. The number of persons admitted or the number of tickets issued into any part of the auditorium shall not exceed the number specified in the licence. 9. The licensee shall not permit obscene or objectionable posters or pictorial publicity material to be displayed in the licensed premises. 10. The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited to any persons who is not an adult any film which has been certified by the Central Board of Film Censors as suitable for public exhibition restricted to adults. District Magistrate FORM I (See Rule 6) Application for grant of Renewal of Licence for Exhibition of Film on Television through Video Cassette Player. The District Magistrate, Patiala I hereby apply for grant/renewal of licence for exhibition of film on television screen through Video Cassette Player:- Name : Address : Is the application for the grant of licence? 'Yes' Details of place which the video apparatus is proposed to be installed? (a) Place/House No. And address: Locality Village Town Distt. (b) If any other trade or business carried on in the same place where the video shows are to be exhibited? - No- i) Has licence for such trade or business been obtain from the competent authority? ii) Whether by conducting the exhibition of films on television screen through Video Cassette Player the track or business for which the licence has been assigned is likely to be affected? Area is square metres of the (a) Building (b) Auditorium (c) Passage and gangways (d) Urinals and WC's Whether necessary fee has been paid and the treasury challans have been enclosed? (a) Challan No. And date (b) Amount deposits (c) Name of the Treasury Copy of the entertainment tax clearance certificate - Signature of the Applicant
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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