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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application for Registration/Late Registration/Extension of Visa in India

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of police
TitleApplication for Registration/Late Registration/Extension of Visa in India
Document Size63.5 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
(Application for Registration/Late Registration/Extension of Visa in India) To The Superintendent of Police, Cum Foreigner Registration Officer, Kapurthala. Most respectfully I beg to submit as under:- 1 That I am National of ________________________________(Country) holding Passport No._________________dated______________valid upto______________________ 2 I have my valid visa No._______________dated__________________Validupto_________issued by___________________________________ 3. I entered India on ___________________through_________________________________Airport and I am staying at the following address in India :- _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Phone Number __________________________________ 4. I further submitted that I was not knowing my registration with your office I submitted apology However, I have paid the penalty/Visa fee (Cross if not applicable) 5. I am enclosing the following documents :- 1. Application Particular From 2. Surety Bond 3. Residence proof of surety (Ration Card/Voter card) 4. Photo copy of Passport 5. Photo copy of visa 6. Passport size Photographs 7. Receipt of State Bank of Patiala (in case of late Registration/Visa extension only) 6. I request that my name may kindly be registered/necessary extension of my visa may kindly be extended for ___________ months and I may kindly be issued Residential Permit and oblige. Yours faithfully, Name ________________________ S, D , W/o ______________________ Address ________________________ _______________________________ Date: Police Department District Kapurthala. APPLICATION PARTICUALAR FORM (TO BE FILLED BY THE FOREIGNERS) If any of the particulars furnished below are found to be incorrect or any information is found false the Permission will be with held, extension given is liable to be cancelled at any time. 1. Name in full ( in capital letters) _______________________________________________________________ (a) Fathers Name _______________________________________________________________ (b) Husband Name _______________________________________________________________ 2. Address in India _______________________________________________________________ (a) Present _______________________________________________________________ 3. Address in Country of Domicile ________________________________________________ 4. Nationality ______________ _________________________________________________ 5. Place and date of Birth ______________ ____________________________________________________ 6. Profession/Occupation of the Applicant ______________________________________ 7. Passport No._______________Issued_______________dated___________________________ valid upto _____________ 8. Visa for India No.________________Issued by_____________dated_________________ Type of Visa ____________duration______________valid upto _________________________ 9. Date & place of Arrival in India ___________________________________________________________________ 10. Purpose of visiting India __________________________________________________________________ 11. Whether resident of India previously, if ____________________________________________________________ so what period 12. Date of expiry of authorized period of ______________________________________________ residence in India 13. Period for which extension is required ______________________________________________________________ (a) Fee is required or not Yes/No (b)If required, give amount of deposited Rs._________________________________________ 14. Whether permission to extend stay in India has been previously and when - (a) Previously fee deposited or not Yes/No (b) If deposited, give details of fee deposited Rs.______________________________________________ 15. Reasons for extension of stay. The reasons ____________________________________________________________ Should be stated fully in details failure to do so may result in delay or refusal of______________________________________________ Request. In case of missionaries the exact Nature of work in which engaged should _____________________________________________ be stated. 16. Name and address of person of India who ____________________________________________ Furnished guarantees for maintenance and_____________________________________________ Repatriation on behalf of applicant when ______________________________________________ he/she entered India. ______________________________________________ 17. ( a) I will submit in writing in case of any change in my residential address (b) I will inform in writing when ever I will go back from Kapurthala Signature of Applicant/Guardian SURETY BOND I,_________________________S/D/W/O____________________________ RESIDENT OF VILLAGE/MOHALLA___________________________________________ TEHSIL________________________________DISTRICT KAPURTHALA DO HEREBY DECLARE AS SURETY FOR _____________________ S/D/W/O _____________________ ________________ NATIONAL HOLDING PASSPORT NO _________________________ DATED ________________BEARING VISA NO________________ DATED ____________ VALID UP TO _________________________ 2. THE ABOVE SAID FOREIGNER ENTERED INDIA ON _______________ THROUGH __________________________AIRPORT AND SINCE HIS ENTRY INTO INDIA HE IS RESIDING WITH ME. 3. THAT HE BEING _________________NATIONAL IS REQUIRED TO BE REGISTERED WITH FOREIGNERS REGISTRATION OFFICE AT DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS I.E KAPURTHALA. HE IS ALSO REQUIRED TO SUBMIT HIS BOND FOR EXPENSES WHILE IN INDIA. THUS THIS BOND IS EXECUTED IN HIS FAVOR AS A PROOF THUS I, THE AFORE SAID______________________________________ SON OF _______________________________BEING SURETY FOR THE SAID FOREIGNER OF __________________AND WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIM IF HE VIOLATES ANY RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE VISA PERMIT AND SHALL PAY ALL COSTS/DAMAGES WHATSOEVER IT MAY TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR SUCH VIOLATION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE VISA PERMIT. I SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIM TO PROVIDE ALL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SO FAR HE IS IN INDIA. IN CASE IF I FAIL TO COMPLY GOVERNMENT ORDERS /INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED TO ME ON BEHALF OF THE SAID FOREIGNER OF _________________________. I SHALL PAY FOR THIS DAMAGE TO THE GOVT. FOR NON-COMPLIANCE OF GOVERNMENT INSTRUCTIONS. SUCH VIOLATION FEE/ DAMAGE AND ANY OTHER SORT OF EXPENSES MAY BE RECOVERED FROM ME THROUGH PERSONAL PROPERTY AS I AM THE SURETY FOR SAID FOREIGNER . I ENCLOSE A COPY OF MY FAMILY RATION CARD/IDENTITY CARD/PASSPORT/DRIVING LICENSE FOR REFERENCE AND RECORD. IN WITNESS OF THE ABOVE I, HAVE SIGNED THIS SURETY BOND ON ___________. EXECUTANT.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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