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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application for the Allotment of Residential Plot in Industrial Growth Centre/Focal Point

Download forms for state: Punjab
Form Details
DepartmentDepartment of Industries & Commerce
TitleApplication for the Allotment of Residential Plot in Industrial Growth Centre/Focal Point
Document Size54.8 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
Form No ..... Price Rs. 50/- (Non-refundable) APPLICATION FOR THE ALLOTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PLOT IN INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CENTRE/ FOCAL POINT ___________________________ To The Managing Director Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation Ltd. UDYOG Bhawan 18, Himalaya Marg Sector 17A, Chandigarh I/ we hereby approach you for the allotment of residential plot in Industrial Growth Centre/ Focal Point at ____________________ the detailed particulars are given below: IMPORTANT: Please fill in the blocks under column 1 to 10 in capital letters with one letter in each block and leave blank one block after each word/ figure. 1. Name of area/ phase 2. Full name of the applicant(s) 3. Father's/ Husband's Name (in case of individual) 4. Permanent address 5. Address for correspondence 6. Size of plot applied for Standard sizes are 100 Sq. Yds, 150 Sq. Yds, 200 Sq. Yds, 25o Sq. Yds, 262.5 Sq. Yds, 375 Sq. Yds, 400 Sq. Yds, 500 Sq. Yds, Specify size accordingly 7. Category Tick the following if belonging to one OR more of the following categories Scheduled Caste: Backward Class: Ex Serviceman/ War/ Widow NRI: Allottee/ worker/ employee of Industrial Unit Pertaining to the area where Plot is being applied for NOTE: If no category is mentioned or category other than above is mentioned, it will be considered as general unreserved 1. Persons due to retire from Armed forces within 2 years would be treated as Ex-Serviceman. 2. NRI, a person of Indian origin (definition given in the attached annexure 'A') 3. The applicant may attach a photocopy of the passport to prove being an NRI and amount of earnest money be drawn from NRE account of the applicant supported with certificate from the Bank. 8. EARNEST MONEY: a) Amount Rs. b) Bank Draft No. Date Drawn on The demand draft should be made in favour of the Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation Ltd. Payable at Chandigarh. 9. FOR ENTREPRENEUR/ APPLICANT WHOSE INDUSTRIAL UNIT ALREADY EXIST IN FOCAL POINT/ GROWTH CENTRE WHERE PLOT IS BEING APPLIED: If any industrial plot/ shed earlier allotted in this Focal Point/ Growth Centre (yes/ no) If yes, please indicate name of Focal Point/ Growth Centre Name of Unit Plot/ Shed No. Size Status of Plot: (under production/ under construction / Vacant) Whether employee/ worker working in any unit under Production (yes/ no) if yes, please indicate Name of unit Plot No.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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