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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application Form for Availing an Arms Licence

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of police
TitleApplication Form for Availing an Arms Licence
Document Size14.3 KB
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FORM A SCHEDULE III Form of Application for an Arms Licence (See Rule- 51) (Part A-Identity of APPLICANT) 1. Name 2. Father's/ Husband's Name 3. Place of Birth (Nationality) 4. Date of birth (Both in words and figure) 5. Present Address: a) Nearest Police Station: 6. Permanent Address a) Nearest Police Station 7. Occupation and designation of Office held if any:(together with address) Signature/Thumb Impression Of the applicant Note -- Nearest Police Station means the Police Station under whose jurisdiction the place given in the address comes) Part - B Other Particulars of Applicant 9. Whether the applicant has been: a. convicted - if so, the offence(s) the sentence and date of sentences: b. ordered to execute a bond under Chapter VIII of Criminal Procedure 1973 (2 of 1974) for keeping the peace or for good behaviour - if so, when and for what period: c. Prohibited under the Arms act, 1959 or any other law from too arm 10. a. Whether the applicant applied for a licence before - if so, when to whom and with that result: b. Whether the applicant's licence was over suspended or cancelled/ revoked - if so when and by whom on what account : c. Whether any other member of the applicants family is in possession of an arms licence if so particulars there of: 11. Whether the applicant: a. is a licence of exemptee, if so, description or the arms held: b. has a safe place to keep the arms: c. is a bonafide it to: i) name of country to which he belongs: ii) whether he is prohibited by the laws of his country having is possession any arms and ammunition d. The probable date of his arrival in India. Note - A Bonafide tourist is permitted to bring into India subject to the conditions specified on section 10 and in rule 32 arms and ammunition in reasonable quantities for his use for purpose only of support and for no other purpose. Part-C Particulars of Licence 12 Need for Licence: 13. The Forms in which the Licence is required: 14. Description of arm/ ammunition: 15. a. Area within which applicant wishes to carry arms. b. Place where arms/ ammunition will be kept manufactured etc. c. Place/routs of import/export transport 16. Other particulars required in the relevant licence Form 17. Any claims for special consideration. Note-Against column 12 the applicant should clearly mention the purpose(s) for which licence is required - such as used acquisition, possession carrying, manufacture, sale transfer repair proof-test, import re-import, export, re -export, transport, self-protection sport, display destruction of wild animals which do injury to human beings/cattle, protection of crops and cattle, target practices-shootings, possession as bonafide traveller India etc. Part -D For applicant requiring licence for import/ export/ transport/ re -export and re -import 18. a. Whether the previous sanction of the concerned authority required Under rule 50 if any has been obtained, and if so; b. The evidence in support thereof DECLARATION I hereby declare that the above particulars given in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect at any stage. I am liable to be proceeded against and action taken under the relevant provision of the Arms Act, 1959, the Arms Rules 1962, and other control enactments of the law for the time being in force. Signature/thumb Impression Of the applicant Place: Date: NOTE: (strike off the entries not relevant) WARNING - Suppression of any factua l Information or Furnishing of false or wrong information in the Application form in Violation of Rule 51 - A will render the applicant liable for punishment under section 30 of the Arms Act, 1959.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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