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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application Form for Certificate of Registration as Estate Agent

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DepartmentDepartment of housing and urban development
TitleApplication Form for Certificate of Registration as Estate Agent
Document Size27.1 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM VIII APPLICATION FORM FOR CERTIFIATE OF REGISTRATION AS ESTATE AGENT To The Competent Authority _____________________ Sir, I/We beg to apply for registration as a Estate Agent under sub-section (1) of section 21 of the Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act, 1995. My/Our particulars are given below:- 1. Name 2. Father's Name 3. Address for Correspondence (Telephone No.) 4. Permanent Address (Telephone No.) 5. Status of applicant (Tick whichever is applicable) a) Individual b) Firm c) Company d) Co-operative Society 6. Whether applicant is income tax payee, If so, income tax Account No. ________________ 7. Whether the applicant has been registered as Estate Agent under any other law for the time being In force, if also, details thereof. 8. i) Whether the applicant possess the requisite qualifications And experience as an Estate Agent, if so, attach attested Copies of the requisite certificates. ii) Whether the applicant is an employee of the Government of Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority, a Local Authority or a State Government undertaking or dismissed employee of the State Govt. or the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority or a Local Authority (Affidavit Pg. 3) 9. Has the applicant ever been convicted of any offence under the Act, (Affidavit Pg. 3) 10. Any other information, the applicant desires to furnish. I/We enclose the following documents, namely :- i) Demand Draft No. ___________ dated_______________ for Rs. 2500/- drawn on _____________________ (Bank) as per prescribed fee. ii) Income tax Clearance Certificate: I/We hereby certify that the particulars given above are correct and true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Dated : Yours faithfully, Place : (Signature of applicant ) Attested by : Oath Commissioner/Magistrate of First Class The text and format of this form can be changed any time with the change in policy matters. Specimen of bank Guarantee for getting certificate of Registration as a Promoter / Estate Agent This Deed of Bank Guarantee made on this day of _______________ between ___________ (hereinafter called the bank which term shall include its successors and assigns) on the one part and the Addl. Chief Administrator of the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority exercising the powers of the Competent Authority (hereinafter called the competent Authority) on the other part. Whereas _______________________________________________________________ intends to apply to the competent Authority, for registration as Promoter/Estate Agent under the Punjab Apartment & Property Regulation Act-1995 and for this purpose he is required to furnish a Bank Guarantee to the Competent Authority for the amount of Rs. Ten thousand (Rs. 10,000). Rupees Fifty thousand (Rs. 50,000) in case of promoter. Now thereof, the bank hereby undertake to pay to the Competent Authority on demand an amount not exceeding Rupees then thousand (fifty thousand in case of promoter) in case any condition of certificate of registration is not complied with or any provision of the Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act, 1995 or the Bank shall be conclusive, as regards the amount due and payable by and the liability of the Bank under his guarantee deed and the Bank hereby undertakes to pay to the Competent Authority the amount so demanded forthwith without any demur and notwithstanding any proceedings pending in any Court or before any authority relating to this guarantee deed, the liability of the Bank under this guarantee deed being absolute and unconditional. The Bank further agrees that the Competent Authority shall have the fullest liberty, without the consent of the bank, hereunder to vary any of the powers exercisable by the Competent Authority against the Promoter/Estate agent or to grant extension in time and to forbear of enforce any terms and conditions of certificate of registration and Bank shall not be relieved from its liability by reason of such variation of extension being granted to the Bank or the Promoter/Estate Agent or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of the Competent Authority or any indulgence by the Competent Authority to the Promoter/ Estate Agent or by any matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties, but for the provision have effect of so relieving the Bank. The Bank lastly undertakes not to revoke the guarantee during its currency, except with the previous consent of the Competent Authority in writing, and the liability of the Bank under this guarantee shall be impaired or extinguished on account of any change whatsoever by any manner and irrespective of any contestation regarding claims and disputes, the Bank shall deposit the guarantee amount on first demand of the Competent Authority. This guarantee is valid for a period of _________ from the date of issue. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before our liability under this Bank Guarantee is restricted to Rs. 50,000/- (Rs. Fifty thousand only) Rs. 10,000 (Rs. Ten thousand only) in case of Estate Agent and shall be valid up to _________ unless a claim in writing is prescribed to us within five and half years from the date of issuance of guarantee, i.e. prior to __________ All your rights under the said guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from all liabilities there under, We further agree to make aforesaid payment to you at __________ and we agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in __________________ DATE : For on behalf of PLACE : (Signature & Stamp) Specimen of Affidavit (Regarding experience & conviction) (on Rs. 15/- stamp paper) I________________________________________ do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as under:- 1. That I am ________________________________________ (Qualification). 2. That I have an experience as Property dealer/Estate Agent/Promoter of at least five years. 3. That I am not an employee of the Govt. or a State Undertaking or Local Authority and I am not dismissed from the service of Government State Undertaking or Local Authority. 4. That I shall abide by the terms and conditions of PUDA prescribed from time to time. 5. That I am not convicted for any offence. DEPONENT (S) Verification: Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT(S) Place : Date: REQUIREMENT OF DOCUMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF ESTATE AGENT 1. Application Form (Attested by Oath Commissioner/Magistrate of First Class) 2. Proof of educational qualification (Not less than Matric) 3. Proof of Age (Not less than 18 yrs.) 4. Proof of experience of at least five years as Estate Agent/Property Dealer (In form of Affidavit) (Page 3) 5. Demand draft of Rs. 2500/- in favour of Addl. Chief Administrator, PUDA, _________payable at ________________ . 6. Bank Guarantee of Rs. 10,000 in favour of Addl. Chief Administrator, PUDA ________ In prescribed Specimen of PUDA (Page 2). 7. Up to date Income Tax clearance Certificate from Income Tax Department. 8. Three Passport Size Photographs. 9. Proof of registration in case of Company/Firm/Co-operative Society. 10. Authorisation letter from Firm/Company/Co-operative Society to act on their behalf. FOR OFFICE USE Application of Shri/Smt ___________________ for registration as Estate Agent has been checked and documents at Sr. No. 1 to 10 have been received. Payment of Rs. ___________ has been received vide receipt no. ______________ date ________________. (Signature) Assistant (S.W.S.) Date : ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP Application received for registration as Estate Agent from Sh./Smt. ______________________ A sum of Rs. _________________ has also been received vide receipt no. ____________ dated ____________ . The applicant may contact the A.C.A. Office on _________ to collect the document otherwise the documents will be despatched by post on ______________ . Signature of Diary clerk (5-5)
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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