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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application Form for Registration of Marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of Local Government
TitleApplication Form for Registration of Marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Document Size11.5 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
SCHEDULE - 'A' Form of application for Registration of Marriage Under the Hindu marriage Act 1955 [SEE RULE (5)] To The Registrar of Marriages, ______________________ I __________________________ S/o D/o W/o _____________________ resident of village _______________________ Tehsil _____________________ District _________________________ do hereby apply for registration of my marriage under section - 8 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955. The particulars of the marriage are given below : ­ 1. Date of marriage __________________________________________ 2. Place of marriage __________________________________________ 3. Name of BRIDEGROOM ____________________________________ (a) His Father's Name ______________________________________ (b) Usual place of resident ___________________________________ (c) Full Address ___________________________________________ (d) Foreign address, if any ___________________________________ (e) Age of bridegroom at the time of marriage ____________________ (f) Civil Condition at the time of marriage Whether remarried / widower / divorced ______________________ 4. (a) Name of BRIDE ________________________________________ (b) Her father's Name ______________________________________ (c) Usual Place of bride ____________________________________ (d) Full address of bride ____________________________________ (e) Foreign address, if any __________________________________ (f) Age at the time of ______________________________________ (g) Civil condition at the time of marriage whether unmarried / widow / divorce ________________________ Signature of the Applicant Place _________________ Dated _________________ SCHEDULE - 'D' Form of Extract For Hindu Marriage Register SEE RULE (10) 1. Name of Applicant ___________________________________________ 2. Date on which application for registration made _____________________ 3. Place of marriage ____________________________________________ Particular of Bridegroom Particular of Bride 1. Name ___________________________________________________ 2. Father's Name ____________________________________________ 3. Usual place of Residence _______________________________________________ 4. Full Address ______________________________________________ 5. Foreign address, if any _____________________________________ 6. Age at the time of Marriage __________________________________ 7. Civil condition at the time Of marriage whether married/ Unmarried/widow/divorced. __________________________________ REGISTERED AT No. _________________ ON _________________ REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES Certified that the above which contains entries from ____________ No. 1 to 6 regarding the registration of marriage __________________________ With ____________________________________ is true extract of all the entries In the Hindu Marriage Register. Registrar of Marriages Original/Duplicate/Triplicate FORM No. 32-A PROVINCIAL (See Articles 266 & 305) CHALLAN No. Treasury/Sub Treasury Challan of Cash paid into the Branch of State Bank of India Reserve By whom tendered To be filled the remitter Amount Rs P. To be filled in by the remit Departmental officer of the treasury Name o f designation & address of the person whose behalf money is paid Full particulars of the remittance & of authority (If any) Head of account Order in the Bank Total Date........ Correct Receive & Grant Receipt Signature & Full Designation of the officer ordering money to be paid as In Rupees words Signature To be used in the case of remittance to the Rs. In words Bank through an officer of the Got. Received Payment Date Treasury Officer Treasurer Accountant Agent MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE ( C ) Form of Hindu Marriage Register SEE RULE 6 (A) 1. Name of Applicant _________________________________ 2. Date on which application for registration made ___________ 3. Place of marriage __________________________________ 4. Date of marriage ___________________________________ Particular of Bridegroom Particular of Bride 1) Name ___________________________________________________ 2) Father's Name ____________________________________________ 3) Usual place of Residence ___________________________________ 4) Full Address ______________________________________________ 5) Foreign address, if any _____________________________________ 6) Age at the time of Marriage __________________________________ 7) Civil condition at the time Of marriage whether married/ Unmarried/widow/divorced. __________________________________ REGISTERED AT No. _________________ ON ________________ REGISTRAR OF MARRIAGES
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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