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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application Form for Sanction of Building Plan

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of housing and urban development
TitleApplication Form for Sanction of Building Plan
Document Size17.8 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM VII APPLICATION FORM FOR SANCTION OF BUILDING PLAN Class of Building: Residential/Commercial/Public/Warehousing/ Industrial-Building From _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ To ESTATE OFFICER, PUNJAB URBAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PUDA COMPLEX, ___________ Sir, I/we apply for permission to erect/re-erect/add/alter a building/wall in accordance with the plans submitted herewith on Site No. ........... 2. I/we attach ............ (a) A site plan in triplicate showing the position of site proposed to be built upon as required by the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (Building) Rules, 1996. (b) Plans, elevation and sections of the proposed buildings required by the Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority (Building) Rules, 1996. (c) Water supply, drainage plans, structural stability certificate, scheme for fire safety and fire-fighting system and equipment, electrical scheme for air conditioning and air cooling as required by the rules ibid. 3. The construction of the building will be supervised by the registered Architect or the registered Engineer. Dated: Signature Enclosures Strike out the class and classes of buildings not required. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP Application received for Building Plan from Sh./Smt. _______________________ GPA/Sub GPA/SPA (if applicable) of Sh./Smt. _____________________________ in respect of Plot/Site/House No. ___________ Sector/Phase ________________ on _______________ File ___________ and a sum of Rs. ____________ vide receipt No. __________has been received. The applicant may contact the Estate Office on ________ to collect the documents otherwise the documents will be despatched by post on _______ Signature of Diary Clerk LIST OF DOCUMENTS: 1. Proof of ownership (Allotment/Re-allotment letter, letter of change of ownership) 2. 3 copies of plans made by Architect registered under Architect Act, 1972(Certificate of Architect as per PUDA byelaws). 3. Attested copy of GPA/Sub Attorney (where applicable). 4. Security/Scrutiny Fee in the form of Bank Draft in the name of Estate Officer PUDA. Details of Security Fee (refundable after completion) A) RESIDENTIAL: i) Plots up to 10-M Rs. 1000/- ii) From 10-M to 16-M Rs. 2500/- iii) Above 16-M Rs. 5000/- iv) Group Housing Rs. 1000/- per Flat/D.U. v) Boundary wall only @ Rs. 1000/- per Acs. Or part thereof B) COMMERCIAL: i) Boths Rs. 2500/- ii) Single Storey Shops Rs. 5000/- iii) SCO/SCF Rs. 20000/- iv) Individual Site, multiples etc. @ 25,000/- per Acs. Or part thereof v) Boundary wall only @ Rs. 1000/- per Acs. Or part thereof C) i) Govt. Offices/ Govt. aided Educational @ Rs. 10,000/- per Acs. Or part thereof Charitable & Religious Institutions ii) Boundary wall @ Rs. 1000/- per Acs. Or part thereof D) i) Other offices. Institutions/ Educational @ Rs. 25,000/- per Acs. Or part thereof Non Charitable Institutions ii) Boundary wall @ Rs. 1000/- per Acs. Or part thereof NOTE: 1) This amount is refundable on taking completion certificate from PUDA. 2) No security would be required to be deposited in case of institutions where land is allotted free of cost. DETAILS OF PLAN SCRUTINY FEE (NON-REFUNDABLE) a) In case of Fresh Plans:- i) @ Rs. 2.50 per Sq. ft. of total covered area for Residential. ii) @ Rs. 5/- per sq. ft. of total covered area for commercial. iii) Construction of boundary wall @ Rs. 2.50 per running feet for all building excluding residential plots up to 2 kanal category specified in (i) above and Rs. 5/- per running feet for buildings mentioned at (ii) above. b) In case of Revised/Superseded plans, the fee charged shall be 50% (half) of the rates to be charged for fresh plans for such category of plots as mentioned inn (i), (ii) & (iii) above.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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