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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Certificate of Manufacture in Respect of physical granulated Mixture of Fertilizers

Download forms for state: Punjab
Form Details
DepartmentDepartment of Industries
TitleCertificate of Manufacture in Respect of physical granulated Mixture of Fertilizers
Document Size16.5 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FERTILISER (CONTROL) ORDER, 1985 EMBLEM FORM F (See CI.15 (2) and 18 (2)) Book No._____________ Certificate No.__________ Date of Issue_____________ Valid up to_______________ Certificate of Manufacture in Respect of physical granulated Mixture of Fertilizers 2 (***) .................................is hereby given the certificate for manufacture of the physical/granulated mixture of fertilizers (***) specified below subject to the terms and conditions of this certificate and to the provisions of the Fertilizer (Control) Order, 1985. Full particulars of the mixture of Full address of the premises where the fertilizers (***) mixture of fertilizer (***) will be made Registering Authority State............... Date: Renewed up to .......... Place: Registering Authority State............... Terms and conditions of this certificate: 1. The holder of this certificate shall display the original there of in a conspicuous place open to the public in part of the principal's premises in which the business of making the physical/granulated mixture of fertilizers is carried on and also a copy of such certificate in similar manner in every other premises in which that business is carried on. The required number of copies of the certificate shall be obtained on payment of the fees thereof. 2. The holder of this certificate shall not keep in the premises in which he carried on the business of making physical/granulated mixture of fertilizers, any mixture of fertilizers, in respect of which a certificate of registration has not been obtained under the Fertiliser (Control) Order, 1985. 3. The holder of the certificate shall comply with the provisions of the Fertiliser (Control) Order, 1985, and the notification, orders, and directions issued there under for the time being in force. 4. The holder of this certificate shall report forthwith to the Registering Authority any change in the premises specified in the certificate or any anew premises in which he carries on the business of making the special mixture and shall produce before the authority the original certificate and copies thereof so that necessary corrections may be made therein by that authority. 5. The holder of this certificate shall ensure that the physical/granulated mixture in respect of which a certificate of registration has been obtained is prepared by him or by a person having such qualifications as may be prescribed by the State Government from time to time or any other person under the direction, supervision and control of the holder or person having the said qualifications. 6. The certificate and copies thereof, if any, will be machine numbered and delivered against the signature of the holder thereof or his agent on the carbon copy of the certificate which will be kept intact bound in the "certificate Book" by each Registering Authority.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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