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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Certificate of Registration to Carry on the Business of Selling Fertilizers as a Wholesale/Retail Dealer

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of Agriculture
TitleCertificate of Registration to Carry on the Business of Selling Fertilizers as a Wholesale/Retail Dealer
Document Size17.4 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FERTILISER (CONTROL) ORDER, 1985 EMBLEM FORM B (See CI.9) Book No._____________ Registration No.__________ Date of Issue_____________ Valid up to_______________ Certificate of Registration to carry on the Business of Selling fertilizers as a Wholesale/Retail Dealer 1 (Industrial Dealer) in the State of _______________. ____________is hereby granted Certificate of registration to carry on the business of selling fertilizers in retail/wholesale {for industrial use} at the place specified below in the State of____________ subject to the terms and conditions specified below and to the provisions of the Fertiliser (Control) Order, 1985. Description of the Place and Type of Business ________________________________________________________________________________________________Name and style Location of Location of Type of Source of which the business sale depot godowns atta. Fertilizer supply is carried on ched to sale depot 2 [Controller/]Registering Authority State of........... Date: Place Terms and conditions of Certificate of Registration: 1. This certificate of registration shall be displayed in a prominent and conspicuous place in a part of the business premises open to the public. 2. The holder of the certificate shall comply with the provisions of the Fertilisers {Control} Order, 1985 and the notification issued there under for the time being in force. 3. The certificate of registration shall come into force immediately and be valid up to........unless previously cancelled or suspended. 4. The holder of the certificate shall from time to time report to the Registering Authority any change in the premises of sale depot and godowns attached to sale depot. 5. 3 [The wholesale dealer/retail dealer] shall submit a report to the Registering Authority, with a copy to the Block Development Officer or such other officer as the State Government may notify. In whose jurisdiction the place of business is situated, by the 5th of every month. Showing the opening stock, receipt, sales and closing stocks of fertilizers in the preceding month. He shall also submit in time such other returns as may be prescribed by the Registering Authority. 6. 4 [ The industrial dealer shall submit a report to the Central Government by the 15th of April for the preceding year, showing the opening stock as on Ist of April of the reporting year, source wise receipts during the year, sale and the closing stocks of fertilizers along with the source-wise purchase/sale price. 7. The wholesale or the retail dealer, except where such a dealer is a State Government, a manufacturer or a pool-handling agency, shall not sell fertilizers for industrial use and as the case may be, an industrial dealer for agricultural use. Notes:- 1. The original certificate is meant for the holder of the certificate which will be delivered against his proper and adequate acknowledgment. The original certificate of a registration shall be torn off at the place performed while all duplicates shall be kept intact bound in the registration book by the Registering Authority. 2. Where the business of selling fertilizers is intended to be carried on at more than one place, a separate registration certificate should be obtained in respect of each such place. 3. Where a person intends to carry on the business of selling fertilizers both in retail and wholesale, separate registration certificate should be obtained for retail and wholesale [and, as the case may be, a State Government, a manufacturer or a pool-handling agency also for industrial use] business [and for sale for industrial use].
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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