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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Financial Condition Report for Grant of Financial Assistance from Raksha Mantri Discretionary Fund

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DepartmentDepartment of personnel and administrative reforms
TitleFinancial Condition Report for Grant of Financial Assistance from Raksha Mantri Discretionary Fund
Document Size30.2 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FINANCIAL CONDITION REPORT Particulars of Ex-servicemen and his family for grant of Financial Assistance from Raksha Mantri's Discretionary Fund) 1. Name of the Applicant / Ex-servicemen_____________________________ 2. Service No. _____________________ Rank_________________________ 3. Address: ______________________________________________________ 4. Date of (a) Enrolment _________________ (b) Discharge_________________ 5. Reasons for discharge: _____________________________________________ (As given in Discharge Document) 6. Character at the time of Discharge ____________________________________ 7. In case of dependent, mention _______________________________________ Relation with the Ex-servicemen 8. Date of death of Ex-servicemen _______________________________________ (If applicable) 9. Particulars of family members:- (Details of all the children to be covered) Ser No Name Relationship with the Ex-servicemen Whether dependent / independent Age Occupation/ Monthly 10. Detailed report on the financial condition of the petitioner / petitioner's family:- (i) Was / is the Ex-servicemen in receipt of pension : Yes / No (ii) Is the applicant in receipt of pension : Yes / No (iii) Individual Pension / Service Pension / Family Pension / Invalidment Pension / Board Pension (iv) Total emoluments : Basic Rs _____________________ Insurance Relief Rs. ____________ Total Rs___________________ (v) Other terminal benefits at the time of requirement (such as Group Insurance Rs. __________________ Gratuity, Enhancement of leave) Rs. _________________ (vi) Land holding, if any______________________________________ Annual income from the land Rs. ____________________________ (vii) Income from any other source : Rs. __________________________ Such as rented houses, others) (viii) Present employment and income there from __________________ (ix) If reply to Para 10 (viii) is NIL, mention how he/ she is maintaining his / her family ______________________________ (x) Whether in receipt of second pension (From re-employment, if yes, state amount Rs_____________________ 11. Is / Was the Ex-servicemen re-employed ________________________ 12. If not, what was the source of income after retirement of the Armed force__ ____ 13. Financial Assistance received from various other sources Rs. ______________________ (Details of Financial Assistance (received from KSB, RSB, ZSB for any purpose in the post) 14. State whether financial assistance received from any source for self-employment (if any) was utilized for the purpose. ______________________ 15. Nature of Financial Assistance required _______________________________ (Applicant/ ZSB, is required to fill up the particulars given below in respect of the nature of financial assistance required only). 16. Assistance to old and infirm Ex-servicemen / Widow (Rs. 500/- per month for two years) (i) Whether the ESM / dependent is in receipt of old age / WW - II pension / financial assistance given by the state govt. under various state govt. schemes. (ii) If not eligible for old age / WW - II Pension / FA under any state Govt. scheme, the reasons thereof :______________________________ 17. Financial Assistance for Daughter's Marriage (Rs. 8000/-) (i) Actual date of solemnization _______________________ (ii) Whether confirmation certificate Marriage Invitation Card Attached: ____________________ (iii) How the marriage expenditure was met _________________ (iv) Details of loan taken for the purpose if any , and amount still outstanding Rs. ______________ 18. Medical Reimbursement (Up to a maximum of Rs. 15,000/-) (i) Whether the applicant approached MH / Govt. Hospital for treatment__________________________________________ (ii) If so, whether a copy of MH / Govt. Hospital reference enclosed ________ (iii) If not, the reasons for not approaching MH / Govt. Hospital ____________ (iv) If re-employed , details of medical benefit Schemes, if any , available with the re-employer ______________________________________________ (v) Whether the applicant is member of AGI / AFGI Medical benefit scheme? if so, the AGI / AGFI number ___________________________________ (vi) Whether summary of medical bills enclosed ________________________ (vii) Whether summary of medical bills enclosed________________________ (viii) Details of financial assistance provided from State Govt. funds in the instant case. if not reasons thereof _______________________________ 19. Grant for Children Education (Rs. 100/- per child for maximum of Children upto std) PER MONTH (i) Particulars of child / children from whom the education grant is applied for : Ser No. Name Name of School Class in which studying Year 2. Whether certificate obtained from the concerned school confirm date of birth and above details have been enclosed ___________________________________________ 3. Whether in receipt of scholarship / stipend for education from any other source____________ 20. Grant of House Repair (Upto a maximum of Rs. 10,000/-) (i) Cause of Damage___________________________ (ii) Estimate cost of repairs Rs. ________________________________ (iii) Whether certificate obtained from Gram Pradhan's enclosed ____________________________ (iv) Whether any relief given by the state / Govt. / Any other authority. if not reason thereof ____________________________________________ 21. Specific recommendation of secretary, Zila Sainik Board:- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: Signature Office Seal Designation Note: The cases of Financial Assistance from RMDF are processed on the basis of information / particulars finished in the FCR form by the ZSB. The Zila Sainik Welfare Officers should ensure that the information / particulars given in the form are correct and an accordance with the discharge certificate and other documents.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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