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Download Form of Letter to the Accounts Officer forwarding the Pension papers of a Govt. Employee

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DepartmentSocial Security and Pension
TitleForm of Letter to the Accounts Officer forwarding the Pension papers of a Govt. Employee
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No. ................... Government of Punjab Department / Office ................ Dated the ..................... To The Accountant General(A&E) Punjab. Subject: -Pension Papers of Shri / Shrimati/Kumari ............................................. for authorization of pension. Sir, I am directed to forward herewith the pension papers of Shri / Shrimati / Kumari .............. .................... of this department / office for further necessary action. 2. The details of Government dues which will remain outstanding on the date of retirement of the Government employee and which need to be recovered out of the amount of death-cumretirement gratuity are indicated below: ­ (a) Balance of the house -building or conveyance advance .. Rs. (b) Over payment of pay and allowances including leave salary .. Rs. (c) Income Tax deductable at source under the ITA, 1961 (43 of 1961) .. Rs. (d) Arrears of licence fee for occupation of Govt. accommodation .. Rs. (e) The amount of licence fee for occupation of Govt. accommodation .. Rs. for the permissible period of 2 months beyond the date of retirement (f) Any other assessed dues and the nature thereof .. Rs. (g) The amount of gratuity to be withheld for adjustment of .. Rs. unassessed dues, if any Total .. Rs. 3. Your attention is invited to the list of enclosures, which is forwarded herewith. 4. The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged and this Department / Office informed thatnecessary instructions for the disbursement of pension have been issued to disbursing authorityconcerned. Yours faithfully, Head of Office / Pension Sanctioning Authority Enclosures: ­ 1. Form PEN 1 and Form PEN 9* duly completed. 2. Medical certificate of incapacity (if the claim is for invalid pension) 3. Statement of the savings effected and the reasons why employment could not be found else where (if claim is for compensation pension or gratuity) 4. Service book (date of retirement to be indicated in the service book). 5. a) Two specimen signatures, duly attested by a gazetted Government employee or in the case of pensioner not literate enough to sign his name, two slips bearing the left hand thumb and finger impressions, duly attested by a gazetted Government employee. b) **Three copies of passport size photograph with wife or husband (either jointly or separately) duly attested by the Head of Office. c) Two slips showing the particulars of height and identification marks, duly attested by a gazetted Government employee. 6. A statement indicating the reasons for delay in case the pension papers are not forwarded before one year of the retirement of Government employee. 7. Written statement, if any, of the Government employee as required under rule 9.5 (1) (a). 8. Brief statement leading to reinstatement of the Government employee in case the Government employee has been reinstated after having been suspended compulsorily retired, removed or dismissed from service. Note: -When initials or name of the Government employee are/is incorrectly given in the various records consulted, this fact should be mentioned in the letter. *If a Government employee is compulsorily retired from service and delay is anticipated in obtaining Form PEN 9 from the Government employee, the Head of Office may forward the pension papers to the Accounts Officer without Form PEN 9. The Form may be sent as soon as it is obtained from the Government employee. **Only two copies of passport size photograph need to be furnished if the Government employee is governed by Appendix-I (i.e. a Family pension Scheme, 1964) and is unmarried or a widower or a widow. [See rules 9.4, 9.6, 9.7 (1), (3) and 9.11 (1)] (To be sent in duplicate if payment is desired in a different circle of accounting unit) PART-I 1. Name of the Government Employee _________________________________________ 2. Father's Name __________________________________________________________________ Husband's name (in the case of a female Govt. Employee) _________________________________ 3. Date of birth (by Chirstain era) _______________________________________________________ 4. Religion and Nationality ____________________________________________________________ 5. Permanent residential address ________________________________________________________ (Showing village, district & state) _______________________________________________________ 6. Present and last appointment including Name of establishment i) Substantive _______________________________________________________________________ ii) Officiating, if any __________________________________________________________________ 7. Date of beginning of service __________________________________________________________ 8. Date of ending of service _____________________________________________________________ 9. i) Total period of military service for which pension or gratuity was sanctioned ________________________________________________________ ii) Amount and nature of any pension/ gratuity received for the military service ___________________________________________________ 10. Amount and nature of any pension/gratuity received for previous civil service ____________________________________________ 11. Government under which service has been Year Months Days rendered in order of employment ____ _______ ____________ 12. Class of pension applicable ___________________________________________________________ 13. The date on which action initiated to i) obtain the No demand certificate from the Accounts officer (Rent)/Rent Assessing Authority as provided in rule 9.3 ____________________________________________________________ ii) assess the service and emoluments qualifying for pension as provided in rule 9.5, and ________________________________________________________ iii)assess the Government dues other than the dues relating to the allotment of Govt. accommodation as provided in rule 9.19(1) _____________________________________________________ 14. Details of omissions, imperfections or deficiencies in the service book which have been ignored under rule 9.5(1)(b)(ii) ______________________________________________________________________ 15. Total length of qualifying service (for the purpose of adding towards broken periods, a month is reckoned as thirty days) _____________________________________________________________ 16. Periods of non-qualifying service From To i) Interruption in service condoned under rule 3.17A ____________ ____________________ ii) Extraordinary leave not qualifying for pension _____________ ____________________ iii) Period of suspension not treated as qualifying for pension _____________ ____________________ iv) Any other service not treated as qualifying for pension _____________ ____________________ Total _____________ ____________________ 17. Emoluments reckoning for gratuity ___________________________________ 18. Average emoluments Emoluments drawn during the last ten months of service Post held From __________ To___________ Pay__________________ ____________ Personal pay or special pay______________ Average emoluments _______________________ i) In case where the last ten months include some period not to be rockoned for calculating average emoluments an equal period backward has to be taken for calculating average emoluments. ii) The calculation of average emoluments should be based on actual number of days contained in each month. 19. Date on which form PEN 9 has been obtained from the Government employee (to be obtained one year Before the date of retirement of Government employee _________________________ 20. i) Proposed pension __________________________________________________ ii) Proposed graded relief _________________________________________________ 21. Proposed death-cum-retirement gratuity __________________________________ 22. Date from which pension is to commence _________________________________ 23. Proposed amount of provisional pension, if departmental or judicial proceedings are instituted against the Government employee before retirement. ________________________ 24. Details of Government dues recoverable out of gratuity:­i) Licence fee for the allotment of Government accommodation (See sub-rule(2),(3) and (4) of rule 9.18) ________________________ ii)Dues referred to in rule 9.19 ________________________ 25. Whether nomination made for death-cum-retirement gratuity. _________________________________________________ 26. i) The amount of the family pension becoming payable to the family of the Government employee, if death takes place after retirement. a) Before attaining the age of 65 years Rs.________________________ b) After attaining the age o f 65 years Rs.________________________ ii) Complete and up to date details of the family, as given below:- 27. Height _______________________________ 28. Identification marks ________________________________ 29. Place of payment of pension ________________________________ (Treasury, Sub-Treasury or Branch of Public Sector Bank) 30. Head of Account to which pension and gratuity Sr. No. Name of the member of the family Date of birth Relations with the Government employee 1 2 3 4 are debitable ________________________________ Signature of the Head of Office FORM PEN 9 (See rule 9.2) Particulars to be obtained by the Head of Office from the retiring Government employee before one year of the date of retirement 1. Name of the Government employee__________________________________________ 2. a) Date of Birth __________________________________________________________ b) Date of retirement ________________________________________________________ 1[3. Two specimen signatures duly attested (to be furnished in a separate sheet) 2[4. Three copies of passport size Joint photographs of the Government employee with his/her wife/husband. 5. Two slips showing the particulars of height and personal identification marks duly attested. 6. Present address ... 4[7. Address after retirement ... 8. Name of the Treasury/Public Sector Bank Branch through which the Government employee wants to draw his pension ... 5[9. Details of the family as defined in Appendix-I of the Punjab C.S.R. Vol.II ... Signature _______________________ Designation______________________ Department/Office _________________ Dated the ___________________ 1[Two slips each bearing the left hand thumb and finger impressions duly attested, may be furnished by a person who is not literate enough to sign his/her name. If such a Government employee on account of physical disability is unable to give left hand thumb and finger impressions, he may give the thumb and finger impressions of the right hand. Where a Government employee has lost both the hands, he may give his toe impressions. Impressions should be duly attested by a Gazetted Government employee. 2[Only two copies of passport size photographs of self need be furnished if the Government employee is governed by Appendix I of Punjab C.S.R. Vol-II and is unmarried or a widower or widow. 3[Where it is not possible for a Government employee to submit a photograph with his wife/her husband he/she may submit separate photographs. The photograph shall be attested by the Head of Office. 4[Any subsequent change of address should be notified to the Head of Office/Accounts Office. 5[Applicable only where Appendix I of the Punjab CSR Vol.-II is applied to the Govt. employee}. History of Service (Showing Interruptions) Name ............................................................ Designation .......................................................................... Establish ment Appoin tment as Substanti ve pay Officiating Pay Date of beginning service Date of ending of service Period Reckoned as service Period not reckoned as service Reason of Non-Qualifying Service How verifie d Remarks by the Accounts Officer Y-M-D Y-M-D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Calculation Sheet of Pension Name ........................................................................................................................ Father's / Husband's Name ..................................................................................... 1. Designation of the Post from which retired ............................................ 2. Office last served .................................................................................. 3. Date of Birth ........................................................................................... 4. Date of entry into Govt. Service ............................................................ 5. Date of Retirement / Superannuation .................................................... 6. Rules under which pensionary benefits were settled................................ 7. Total period of Service ........................................................................... 8. Period not recognised as service ........................................................... 9. Period recognised as service ................................................................. 10. Average emoluments for last ten months ............................................... 11. Average emoluments on which Pension fixed......................................... 12. Total amount of pension......................................................................... 13. Total amount of family pension................................................................ 14. Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity............................................................... 15. Percentage / amount of monthly pension commuted.............................. 16. Amount of commuted value of pension authorised.................................. 17. Remarks .................................................................................................. (Signature of Head of office) Designation....... (with Stamp) Chart Indicating the Service Verification Name ........................................................Designation ..................................................... S. No. Period Page No. of Service Book No. or part of page of Service Book From To Table -I : Details of Qualifying Service Shri / Smt. .................................................... Designation .................................................... Name of Govt.under which employed (in order of employment) Name of Establishment From To Total Period Less non­qualifying service (see table-II) Qualifying service. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Table -II : Details of Non-Qualifying Service Name ................................................... Designation .................................................................................. Name of Govt. under which employed Name of Establishment 1 2 From 3 To 4 Period of interruption not qualifying for pension Extra-ordinary leave not qualifying for pension Suspension period not qualifying for pension Any other period not treated as qualifying 5 6 7 From To From To From To Total non qualifying period 8 Average Emoluments Calculation Sheet Average Emoluments in respect of Sh. / Smt. ......................................................... Designation ............................................ Office ....................................................... During the last ten months from ....................... to ........................................... S. No. Period Month Pay @ Per Month (Rs.) Total Pay (Rs.) From To Average emoluments for one month : Declaration/undertaking to refund pension/Gratuity DCRG if paid in excess (ANNEXURE 'A' To Rule 9.15 of Punjab Civil Services Rule Volume 1 to be signed by the retiring Government servant). Whereas the _______________ has consented to grant me the sum of Rs. ____ per month as the amount of my pension w.e.f. _______________ and /or the sum of Rs. ____________ as the amount of my gratuity/death-cum-retirement gratuity, I hereby acknowledge that in accepting the said amount (s). I fully understand that the pension, gratuity/death-cum-retirement gratuity, is subject to revision and the same being found to be in excess of that to which I am entitled under the rules and I promise to raise no objection to such revision. I further promise to refund any amount paid to me in excess of that to which I may be eventually found entitled. Signature _____________ Designation____________ 1. Signature of witness __________________________ Attested Occupation__________________________________ Address_____________________________________ 2. Signature of witness ___________________________ (Head of Office) Occupation__________________________________ Designation Address_____________________________________ (with Stamp) The declaration should be witnessed by two persons, of responsibity in the town, village or pargana in which the applicant resides. Authority Letter to Recover Govt. Dues from Pension I hereby authorise ________________________________________ to recover any Govt. dues such as overpayment of pay, allowances, leave salary or admitted and obvious dues such as house rent, postal life insurance premium, outstanding house building advance, traveling allowances and other advances or any amount, if any discripancy in found recoverable from me at any stage from my pension. Attested Signature _____________ (Head of Office) Designation ____________ Declaration Regarding Non-Receipt of Pension or Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity I hereby declare that I have neither applied for nor received any pension or gratuity in respect of any portion of the service included in this application and in respect of which pension or gratuity is claimed herein, nor shall I submit an application hereafter without quoting a reference to this application and the orders which may be passed thereon. Attested Signature _____________ (Head of Office) Designation ____________ Declaration Regarding Anticipatory Pension "Whereas the (here state the designation of the authority sanctioning the advance).................................... has consented provisionally to advance me the sum of Rs.................... a month anticipation of the completion of the enquiries necessary to enable the Government to fix the amount of my pension, I hereby acknowledge that in accepting the advance, I fully understand that my pension is subject to revision on the completion of necessary formal enquiries an promise to raise no objection to such revision on the grounds that the provisional pension now to be paid to me exceeds he pension to which I may be eventually found entitled. I further promise to repay any amount advanced to me in excess of the pension to which I may be eventually found entitled." Attested Signature _____________ (Head of Office) Designation ____________ Certificate Regarding Military Service Certified that I have not rendered any military service, nor have received any pension or gratuity. OR Certified that I have rendered military service, and have received .............................pension/gratuity. Details as follows: 1. Total period of military service Date of Commencement and end of each period of military service. 2. Amount and nature of any pension/gratuity received for the military service. Attested Signature _____________ (Head of Office) Designation ____________ No Dues Certificate Certified that there is no term advances and other advances outstanding/pending against Name........................................................................................................................................... Designation................................................................................................................................ Date of Retirement................................................. Date of Birth.......................................................... (Signature of Head Office) No Complaint/Enquiry Certificate Certified that there is no Complaint/Enquiry pending against Name........................................................................................................................................... Designation................................................................................................................................ Date of Retirement................................................. Date of Birth........................................................ (Signature of Head of Office) Certificate of Verification of Service for Pension Certificate that Sh./Smt./Km............................................................ ................................................... Designation...........has completed a qualifying service of .........years......months.......days as on.............................. (date). The service has been verified onthe basis of his service documents an in accordance with the rules regarding qualifying service in force at present. The verification of service shall be treated as final and shall not be reopened except when necessitated by a subsequent change in the rules and orders governing the conditions under which the service qualifies for pension. (Signature of Head of Office) Details of Members of Family Name......................................................................Designation................................................ S.No. Name Age Marital Status Relation Date of Birth 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name..........................................................................Designation................................ Particulars of Height..................................................... Personal Marks of Identification........................................................................................ Attested ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... (Signature) Designation with Stamp Particulars of Height/Identification Marks Name..........................................................................Designation................................ Particulars of Height..................................................... Personal Marks of Identification.......................................................................................... Attested ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... (Signature) Designation with Stamp Address for Correspondence Present Address................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................... ..... ....................................................................................................... ... Address after Retirement....................................................................................................... . ...................................................................................................................................................................... ..... ....................................................................................................... Address for Correspondence Present Address.................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................... Address after Retirement...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... Specimen Signatures/left hand thumb and finger impressions Name______________________________Designation ________________________________ Specimen Signatures 1. _______________________________ 2.__________________________________________ OR Left hand thumb and finger impressions (In case the pensioner is illiterate): (Little Finger) (Ring Finger) (Middle Finger) (Index Finger) (Thumb) Attested Signature __________________________ Designation ________________________ (with Stamp) Specimen Signatures/left hand thumb and finger impressions Name______________________________Designation ______________________________ Specimen Signatures 1. _______________________________ 2.________________________________________ OR Left hand thumb and finger impressions (In case the pensioner is illiterate): (Little Finger) (Ring Finger) (Middle Finger) (Index Finger) (Thumb) Attested Signature __________________________ Designation ________________________ (with Stamp) Last Pay Certificate L.P.C Office of the ________________________________________________________________________ No________________________________________________________________________________ Office case___________________________________________ (Provincial) Last Pay Certificate of ________________________________________________________________ of the __________________________________________________________________proceeding on to _______________________________________ 2. He has been paid upto ______________________________________________________________ at the following rate:- PARTICULARS RATE Rs. P. Substantive Pay Officiating Pay Exchange Compensation Allowance Deductions 3. He has made over charge of the office of on the _________________________ noon of the __________________________________19______ 4. Recoveries are to be made from the pay of the Government servant as detailed on the reverse. 5. He has been paid leave salary as detailed below. Deductions have been made as noted on the 6. He is entitled to draw the following scale of pay increment accures on _________ _____________________________________every year. 7. He is also entitled to joining time for __________________ days. 8. The details of the income tax recovered from him upto the date from the beginning of the current year reverse:- Period Rate Amount From to at Rs. a month From to at Rs. a month From to at Rs. a month From to at Rs. a month are noted on the reverse. Dated ____________ 19 _______ Head of Office/Deptt Name of recovery Amount: Rupees To be recovered in ____________________________________________installments SALARY DEDUCTIONS MADE FROM LEAVE SALARY From to On account of Rs. From to On account of Rs. From to On account of Rs. Head of Office/Deptt Signature with Stamp Name of months April 19 May19 June 19 July 19 August 19 September 19 October 19 November 19 December 19 January 19 February 19 March 19 Pay Gratuity Fee Funds and Other Deductions Amount of Income-tax recovered Remarks He took over/assumed of the office of on the _____________________________________________ noon of _________________________ (Signature) (Designation) FORM OF APPLICATION FOR COMMUTATION OF PENSION WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION (UNDER PB. GOVT. FINANCE DEPARTMENT LETTER NO. 4-001-6FS 4092 DATED 9-10-78) To The Accountant General, Punjab, Chandigarh. Subject: Commutation of pension without medical examination. Sir, I furnish below the following particulars and request that I may be permitted to commute a part of my pension as indicated below: 1. Name in Block Letters 2. Father's Name 3. Date of birth 4. Date of superannuation on attaining the age of 58 years or 60 years, in case of class IV employees. 5. Designation of the post held at the time of superannuation and the name of the Deptt./Office 6. Fraction of superannuation or Pension granted if any ...... 7. Amount of pension sanctioned and whether it is provisional or final. 8. Class of pension as defined in Chapter V of the Pb. SSR Volume II. 9. Name of Deptt. in which Employed.............. 10. Name of the Treasury/Bank through which the commuted value is desired to be paid if payment is not desired through the account officer who authorized the pension. 11. Designation of the account officer/office of A.G. Punjab. and No. and date of PPO if issued. 12. Amount in whole rupees or percentage of pension proposed to be commuted. 13. Particulars of any application for commutation of pension made previously. 14. Whether he appeared before any medical authority or not. Signature and full address Note: Two photographs are required to be submitted if the pension is desired other than through the Head of Deptt./Office from which the Govt. Servant retired. Part-II Forwarded to the Accountant General Punjab Chandigarh for authorizing the payment of commuted value. Name and address of the Head Office Place........ Dated........... Undertaking under rule 9.15(1) of Pb. CSR Vol.II in terms of Pb. Govt., Finance Department Notification issued vide No. 3/2/6-IFP-III/94/3292 dated 3.5.94 I, Sh/Smt............................... ....... hereby undertake that after my retirement, I or in the case of my death, my heirs will refund the amount of pension, adhoc increase, temporary increase/adhoc relief or any other kind of increase in pension/or any other benefits if any, paid to me erroneously or in excess of that due to me. Signature of Retiring Government Employee Dated the Attested With medical examination (To be submitted in duplicate after retirement but within one year from the date of retirement) PART-I To The ________________________________ Here indicate the designation and full address ___________________________________ of the Head of Office Subject: Commutation of Pension with medical examination. Sir, I furnish below the relevant particulars and request that I may be permitted to commute a part of my pension as indicated below: 1. Name in Block Letters 2. Father's Name (Husband's Name in case of female Government employee) 3. Designation at the time of retirement 4. Name of Office/Deptt. in which Employed.................... 5. Date of birth (by Christian era) 6. Date of retirement 7. Class of pension on which retired 8. Amount of pension authorized (in case final amount of pension has not been authorized indicate the amount of provisional pension) 9*. Fraction of pension proposed to be commuted 10. Designation of the Accounts Officer __________________________________________ who authorized the pension and No. and date of Pension Payment Order, if issued 11. Disbursing authority for payment of pension ** a) Treasury/Sub treasury (Name and Complete address of the treasury/Sub treasury to be indicated) **b)i) Branch of the Nationalised Bank with complete Postal address ii) Bank Account No. to which monthly pension is being credited each month. Place ________________ Date ________________ Signature ________________________ Postal Address __________________________________ Note: -The payment of commuted value of pension shall be made through the disbursing authority from which pension is being drawn. It is not open to an applicant to draw the commuted value of pension from disbursing authority other than the disbursing authority from which pension is being drawn. * The applicant should indicate the fraction of the amount of monthly pension (subject to the maximum of one-third thereof), which he desires to commute, and not the amount in rupees. ** Score out which is not applicable. PART III No_________________ Dated ____________ Forwarded to the Accounts Officer, (here indicate the address & Designation) ___________________________with the remarks that:­ i) the particulars furnished by the applicant in PART-I have been verified and are correct, ii) the applicant is eligible to get a fraction of his pension commuted without medical examination, iii) the commuted value of pension determined with reference to the Table applicable at present comes to Rs __________________ (Rupees __________________________________) iv) the amount of residuary pension after commutation will be Rs (Rupees___________________________________________) 2. It is requested that further action to authorize the payment of the amount of commuted value of pension may please be taken in accordance with Rule 11.21 of these rules. 3. The receipt of Part-I of the form has been acknowledged in Part-II which has been forwarded separately to the applicant on ________________ 4. The commuted value of pension is debitable to Head of account namely Place ________________ Signature Date _________________ Head of Office -------------------------------(Detach from here)-------------------------------­ Acknowledgement Received from Shri/Smt _________________________________________________ (Name & former designation) Application in Part I of Form 12-A for the Commutation of a fraction of pension with medical examination. Place ________________ Signature Date _________________ Head of Office Note: -This acknowledgement is to be signed, stamped and dated and is to be detached from the form & handed over to the applicant. If the form has been received by post, it has to be acknowledged on the same day and the acknowledgment sent under registered over.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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