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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Notice to Construct Building- Laws No.3.5

Download forms for state: Punjab
Form Details
DepartmentMunicipal corporation
TitleNotice to Construct Building- Laws No.3.5
Document Size13.8 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM-A Notice to build under building by- laws No. 3.5 framed by Municipal corporation. To The Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Ludhiana/Jalandhar/ Amritsar. Sir I/ We hereby apply for permission to execute work of erecting/ re-erecting a building of the following description:- _______________________ ________________________ 2. The six copies of each of the following papers are accompanying the application:- Site plan ____________________ Building plan ___________________ Service plan ___________________ Specifications___________________ 3. The construction of the building will be supervised by _______________ Registered building Designer and Supervisor (licence No.______________ ). Yours faithfully Signature of Registered Building Designer & Supervisor (Signature of owner, Son/ Daughter/ wife/ Widow or his authorized agent, Licence No.________________________ Full Address: (For Office Use Only) 1. Serial No. of building application. 2. Date of receipt of completed application. 3. Last date for final orders of sanction or rejection. 4. Applicant's name with parentage and full address. 5. Situation of building. 6. Particulars of building.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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