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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Proforma for obtaining Consent to Establish (N.O.C)

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DepartmentDepartment of Industries & Commerce
TitleProforma for obtaining Consent to Establish (N.O.C)
Document Size71.1 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
PUNJAB POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD (All Large/medium Industries & Highly Polluting Small Scale Industries) PROFORMA FOR OBTAINING CONSENT TO ESTABLISH (N.O.C) [FOR OFFICE USE] 1. Date of Receipt 2. Capital Investment 3. Further information sought 4. Sapling Point Approved 5. Consent Number 6. Variation date [To be filled in by Applicant] 1. GENERAL 1. Name and address of the Industry 2. Present address for correspondence Phone Cable Telex/ Fax 3. Name and address of applicant for industrial licence. 4. Date on which letter of intent was issued 2. PRODUCTS AND RAW MATERIAL DETAILS 1. List of main products proposed to be produced with designed daily production capacity. 2. List of by products produced with designed daily production capacity. 3. Likely date of commissioning of the industry 4. List of raw materials with daily consumption at full production capacity. 5. List all processing chemicals/ materials consumed with approximate quantities 3. MANUFACTURING PROCESS Give a brief description of the process & technology utilised with a flow chart. 4. SOURCE OF ENERGY 1. D.G Set Rated capacity in KVA 2. Boiler Rating/ Stream generation capacity per hour 3. Type of fuel to be used Coal/Furnace Oil/Diesel/ Natural Gas/ Wood/ Rice Husk briquettes/ Rice Husk 4. Power load 5. LOCATION 1. Give the location of the Industry with complete address 2. Area of land proposed to be acquired 3. Is the land situated within any municipal jurisdiction Yes/ No 4. Is the land situated in an approved industrial zone or estate? Yes/ No 6. DOMESTIC SERVICES 1. Population to be served 2. Water supply (daily water consumption/ source) M3/day 3. Collection system Sewer/ Open drains 4. Sewerage treatment Separate/ with industrial effluent 7. WATER REQUIREMENT Average Daily Consumption for a. Process b. Washings c. Cooling d. Sanitary purpose e. Other Quantity (m3/day) ____________________________ Total (m3/day) 8. WASTE WATER DISCHARGE 1. Waste Water discharge a. Process b. Washings c. Cooling d. Sanitary (Sewage from toilets/ sullage from hand washing etc.) e. Other Quantity (m3/day) _______________________ Total (m3/day) 2. Do You propose to recirculate any or all the above waste streams Yes/ No 3. If yes, give details 4. a. Whether effluents need any treatment b. If yes, whether conventional or special (if special, give details) Yes/ No 5. Point of final discharge (incase of water body give name) Agricultural land/ Pubic Sewer/ Inland Surface/ Water/ River/ Choe stream/ Nallah 9. WASTE WATER CHARACTERISTICS (IF AVAILABLE) 1. Indicate characteristics of Waste water to be discharged a. Temperature b. pH c. Colour d. Total suspended solids, mg/lit e. Total dissolved solids, mg/lt f. BOD, mg/lit g. COD, mg/lit h. Metals (Ni, Cr, Hg etc.) i. Cyanide mg/lit j. Others What other special toxic substance is discharged? Please specify nature and concentration (inroganics, organics including pesticides and organo chloro-compounds, phenols, lignin, mercaptans, heavy metals and radioactive substance) Before treatment After Treatment 10. SOLID WASTES 1. Total quantity of solid wastes in tonnes per day Process Treatment Plant 2. Method proposed for disposal including Dumping/ Composting/ Incineration/ Land fill treatment plant sludge. 11. ATMOSPHERE EMISSIONS (IF APPLICABLE) 1. Emissions from fuel burning if available a. Fuel gas quantity b. Composition of emission i. Particulate matter ii. Sulphur dioxide iii. Nitrogen oxides iv. Hydrocarbons v. Carbon monoxide vi. Moisture vii. Others, specify c. Height of stack d. Stack details From G.L............ (m) From top of building ......(m) a. Material of construction b. Internal diameter i. Top ii. Bottom 2. Emission from process (if available) a. Expected emissions quantity b. Composition of emission: i. Particulates (Nature quantity) ii. Gases iii. Sulphur-di-oxide iv. Nitrogen-di-oxide v. Carbon Monoxide vi. Ammonia vii. Acid Mist viii. Fluorine ix. Chlorine x. Halogens xi. Hydrocarbons xii. Mercaptans xiii. Other specify .......... NM3/hr Heights of stacks for process For G.L...........(m) From the top of the building ...(m) 12. Whether Air Pollution Control System required to be installed? If yes, give details Note: Environmental Engineer of the concerned Regional Office would give full details of the air pollution control system required to be installed by the Industry. 13. Hazardous wastes and chemicals 13.1 Solid Wastes a) Total quantity of solid wastes b) Quantum of hazardous waste generated and its nature as defined under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 & hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1989 c) (i) Mode of storage in the plant (ii) Method of disposal 13.2 a) Hazardous chemicals as defined under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (See the manufacture storage and import of hazardous chemicals rules, 1989). b) Whether any isolated storage outside factory premises is involved, if yes, give details. c) Whether emergency plans have been proposed for taking: On site measures Off site measures Estimated Cost of Pollution Control: 1. Expenditure proposed for Capital Rs. Recurring Rs. a) Water Pollution Control .......... ......... b) Air Pollution Control ........... .......... c) Disposal arrangements .......... .......... d) Solid waste handling .......... ......... e) Expenditure proposed for Pollution monitoring ............ ........... Total capital investment proposed on pollution control as a &age of total investment of the Industry. 15. Any other additional information about beneficial/adverse environmental impact of your Industry Signature ............ Name.............. Designation ............ Address ............... ENCLOSURES (i) Site Plan (ii) Location Plan (indicating Plot Number, Khasra Number) and main highways and there reference (iii) Copy of Letter of Intent/ Licence/ DGTD Registration/ Acknowledgement of GOI/ Any other (iv) Manufacturing process details alongwith flow sheet & material balance statement. (v) Copy of Project Report. (vi) List of Directors/ Partners (vii) NOC fee Rs. ........ D.D. No......... Dated....... (viii) Copy of certificate from concerned authority that the proposed site is located in FEZ/Indl. Area/Focal Point demarcated by town and country planning Department/ Outside Lal Lakir/ Phierni of nearest village. (ix) One copy of partnership deed/Article of Association of memorandum.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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