Space for Court fee stamp FORMC.S.T. 14 (See Rule 17E) Form of Memorandum of Appeal Appeal No ______________________ of ____________________ To, The Dy. Commissioner (Appeals), Commercial Taxes Regd, Appeal under Rules 22 of the Central Sales Tax (Rajasthan) Rules, 1957 1. Name(s)oftheappellant(s). 2. Address to which notice may be sent to the appeilant(s) 3. Authority passing the order in dispute. 4. Date of the order against which appeal is made. 5. Date of service of the order appealed against. 6. Amount of security/additional security demanded. 7. Date on which and amount of security/additional security furnished. 8. Grounds of appeals etc. (Appellant) VERIFICATION The appellant(s) _____________________________________________ named above does/do hereby declare that what is stated herein is true to the best of his/their knowledge and belief. Verified today the ___________________________ date of ______________ 20_______________. (Signed Appellant Authorised Representative, if any)