SCHEDULE H (See Rule 47) PROFORMA FOR CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS TO TRAVEL CATTLE This certificate should be completed and signed by a qualified veterinary surgeon Date and time of examination----------------------------------------------------- Species of cattle--------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of trucks/Railway wagons---------------------------------------------- Number of cattle-------------------------------------------------------------------- Sex----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age--------------Breeds and identification marks, if any-------------------- Transported from ----------------------------to -------------via----------------- I here by certify that I have read rule 46 to 26 in chapter IV of the transport of animals rules, 1978 1- that, at the request of (consignor)---------------------I examined the above mention cattle in the goods vehicle/Railway wagons not more than 12 hours before their departure 2- that each cattle appeared to be in fit condition to travel by Rail/Road and is not showing any signs of infectious or contagious or parasitic this disease and that it has been vaccinated against any other infectious or contagious or parasitic disease(s) 3- that the cattle were adequately fed and watered for the purpose of the journey 4- that the cattle have been vaccinated signature------------------- Address----------------- Date---------------- Qualification----------