FORM 18 [See rule 38(1)] Intimation of loss or destruction of a trade Certificate and application for duplicate. To The Registering Authority ............................................ The Trade Certificate issued to me/us bearing number ...................... and valid up to ............................. has been mutilated/soiled/lost/destroyed/in the following circumstances and is not in my possession for the reasons specified below: I/We surrender the * mutilated/soiled trade certificate. I/We hereby declare that to my/our knowledge the trade certificate has not been either suspended or cancelled under the provisions of the rules and that the above certificate is not in the use of any one else. I undertake to surrender, the trade certificate if it is found by me or restored to me. I hereby deposit the fee of Rupees ....................................................................................... and apply for the issue of duplicate trade certificate. ........................................................................ Signature of the applicant Address: ............................................................. .............................................................. Dated: ............................... * Strike out whichever is inapplicable.