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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Affidavit Regarding Criminal Cases if any Registered against Self

Download forms for state: Uttarakhand
Form Details
DepartmentDepartment of Election
TitleAffidavit Regarding Criminal Cases if any Registered against Self
Document Size5.3 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
Form 26 (See rule 4A) Affidavit to be furnished by the candidate before the returning officer for election to ----­--------------------------------------(name of the House) from ------------------------------------­constituency(name of the constituency) I, ----------------------, son/daughter/wife of ------------------------------- aged about ­-------------------------years, resident of ---------------------------------------------------­candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm/state on oath as under:­ 1. I am/am not accused of any offence(s) punishable with imprisonment for two years or more in a pending case(s) in which a charge(s) has/have been framed by the court(s) of competent jurisdiction. If the deponent is accused of any such offence(s) he shall furnish the following information : (i) Case/First information report No./Nos. ............. (ii) Police station(s) .....District (s) ......State(s).... (iii) Section(s) of the concerned Act(s) and short description of the offence(s) for which the candidate has been charged ............ (iv) Court(s) which framed the charge(s) .............. (v) Date(s) on which the charge(s) was/were framed .......... (vi) Whether all or any of the proceeding(s) have been stayed by any court(s) of competent jurisdiction ................... .............................. 2. I have been/have not been convicted of an offence(s) [other than any offence(s) referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), or covered in sub-section (3), of section 8 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (43 of 1951)] and sentenced to imprisonment for one year or more. If the deponent is convicted and punished as aforesaid, he shall furnish the following information: (i) Case/First information report No./Nos. .............. (ii) Court(s) which punished ................... (iii) Police station(s) ......District (s) . ...State(s)...... (iv) Section(s) of the concerned Act(s) and short description of the offence(s) for which the candidate has ever been charged ........... (v) Date(s) on which the sentence (s) was/were pronounced ....... (vi) Whether the sentence(s) has/have been stayed by any court(s) of competent jurisdiction ................... Place Signature of deponent Date: VERIFICATION I, the above-named deponent, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therein. Verified at -------------------------this -------------day of -------------,20 Signature of deponent Note: The columns in this Form which are not applicable to the deponent may be struck off."
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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