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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Apply for the post of Director (Technical) in Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission

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TitleApply for the post of Director (Technical) in Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission
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UTTARAKHAND ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Institution of Engineers (I) Building, 1st Floor, Near ISBT, Majra, Dehradun (UA) PH. 0135-2641119 FAX- 2641314 Website www.uerc.in Vacancy The Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (UERC) invites applications for the following anticipated vacancy which is to be filled up on deputation/contract/direct recruitment basis. The preferred mode of appointment is on deputation basis failing which the post shall be considered for filling up on contract/direct recruitment basis : Sl. No. Name of Post Scale of Pay No. of Posts 1 Director (Technical) Rs. 16400-450-20000/18400-500-22400 01 Further details, application format and other instructions can be downloaded from/seen at Commission's website www.uerc.in. Application in prescribed format alongwith requisite documents are invited from eligible candidates so as to reach the Secretary, Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission, Dehradun latest by 18.06.2008. Candidates who have already applied for the post of Director (Finance)/Director(Costing/licensing) and fulfilling the eligibility criteria for this post need not apply again and may give their option/consent for this post at the time of interview. Advt. No. 06/08-09 Secretary UTTARAKHAND ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION ADVERTISEMENT Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (UERC) a statutory body discharging its functions under the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, invites applications for the following anticipated vacancy which are to be filled up on deputation/contract/direct recruitment basis. The preferred mode of appointment is on deputation basis failing which the posts shall be considered for filling up on contract/direct recruitment basis. Sl. No. Name of the Post & Scale of Pay No. of Posts Qualification and Experience Additional Requirement for Deputation Remark 1 Director (Technical) (Rs. 16400­450-20000) 01 1. Engineering Degree with 15 years of power sector experience, preferably with 10 years of experience in the Generation/Transmission /Distribution wing at the field level / managerial capacity/ material procurement. 2. Excellent, verbal and written communication skill in English and Hindi. 3. Good working knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, internet and e-mail software is must. Officers holding analogous post on regular basis or having a minimum of 2 years regular service in the next below pay scale of Rs. 14300­400-18300 or equivalent. 1. Likely to be Vacant 2. Candidates with exceptionally higher qualifications and longer relevant experience may be OR With 5 years regular service in the pay scale of 12000-375-16500 or equivalent. considered for higher pay scale of Rs. 18400-500­22400. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. The preferred mode of appointment of all these posts is deputation from Central/ State/UT Government Departments, Statutory/Autonomous/Constitutional /Cooperative/Local Government bodies and Public Sector Undertakings, Corporations etc. under administrative control of Central/State/UT Governments. In the event of non-availability of suitable candidates for appointment on deputation, the posts can be filled up on contract/direct recruitment basis. The Commission shall have full discretion to fill up the posts through any of the three modes viz, deputation, contract, direct recruitment as per the specific requirement. The Commission's decision in this regard shall be final. The Commission reserves the right not to fill any or all the above mentioned anticipated vacancies. The Commission can also consider granting extension in the deputation term of the existing incumbents of the anticipated vacancies given above. In the case of any such eventuality, the advertisement of such vacancies shall be treated as withdrawn. 3. The Pay & Allowances and other terms and conditions of appointment on deputation basis will be regulated in accordance with rules of the State Government. 4. The Commission shall follow Government's policy on reservation for SC/ST/OBC in the case of direct recruitment to any of these posts. 6. The maximum age limit for deputation shall be 55 years. For contract/direct recruitment, the age limit shall be as under which shall be relaxable for reserved category candidates as per rules: 55 Years. 7. The crucial date for determination of eligibility criteria/age limit in respect of anticipated vacancies would be the last day of the month in which the anticipated vacancy is likely to arise. The crucial date for the existing vacancies for determining eligibility criteria/age limit would be on 18.06.2008 i.e. the last date prescribed for submission of application in the Commission. 8. For appointment on deputation basis, regular service of certain years in various pay scales has been prescribed as essential qualification The pay scale shown in the eligibility criteria are State Dearness Allowance pattern pay scales applicable w.e.f. 1.1.1996 and the eligibility of candidates shall be accordingly determined with reference to these pay scales. The eligibility of such candidates who are working in Public Sector Undertakings etc. where Industrial/Variable Dearness Allowance pattern is applicable shall be determined by equating their IDA/VDA pattern Pay scale with the requisite CDA pattern Pay scales of eligibility in the following manner: State DA pay scale = Industrial/Variable DA pay scale Minimum of requisite Pay scale + Dearness pay @ 50% of pay + applicable State Dearness Allowance on Pay & Dearness pay Minimum of Pay scale held by the candidate + Dearness pay, if any + Applicable Industrial /Variable Dearness Allowance Further, only those applicants who hold the post as well as the pay scale of that post on substantive basis shall be considered eligible for appointment. The Commission may, however, in most deserving cases consider relaxation in the eligibility criteria in public interest. 8. The applications in the given format is to be submitted to Secretary, Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission, Institution of Engineers Building, 1st Floor, Near ISBT, Majra, Dehradun, along-with self attested copies of certificates/mark sheets for educational qualifications (starting from matriculation), category and experience through Registered /Speed Post only so as to reach him latest by 18th June 2008. The covering envelope must mention the name of the post applied for and the mode of recruitment sought as mentioned at Sl. No. 5 of the format for application. 9. Applicants in Central/State/UT Government service or in the service of Autonomous/Statutory Body/PSUs/ Corporations etc. should apply through proper channel only. The applications of such applicants should be forwarded with attested copies of Annual Confidential Reports of last five years and vigilance clearance certificate. However, an advance copy may be sent directly by the candidate to avoid delay and candidate shall produce the "No Objection Certificate" prior to interview, if called for. 10. Incomplete application or application submitted in a different format is liable to be summarily rejected. The Commission reserves the right to cancel the applications found not to be complete in all respects. Mere fulfilling the eligibility criteria does not entitle the candidate to be considered for selection process. The Commission reserves the right to shortlist the applications and only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted/called for interview. . Secretary BIO DATA PERFORMA Recent 1. Name of the candidate : Photograph 2. Address in Block letters alongwith telephone/Mobile Nos. : 3. Date of Birth ( In Christian era) : 4. Name of the Post Applied for : 5. The mode of recruitment sought for out of three modes viz, deputation, contract or direct recruitment : 6. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied : (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the authority for the same). Please mention the essential and desirable qualification required and possessed by the candidate in the preceding column. 7. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirements of the post. 8. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient Qualifications/ Experience required Qualifications/ Experience possessed by the application Essential 1 ) 2) 3) Desired 1) 2) Office/Instt. /Orgn,. Post held Nature of appointment whether regular, ad­hoc, deputation, contract etc. From To Scale of pay and basic pay Nature of duty 9. 10. Details of additional academic qualifications, professional training and work experience, if any. Nature of present employment, i.e., ad-hoc or temporary or permanent. ------2 -2- 11. In case the present employment is held on deputation /contract basis, please state : a) The date of initial appointment on deputation /contract basis. b) Period of appointment or deputation/contract. c) Name of the parent office /Organization to which you belong. d) Name of the post & pay scale held by you on regular basis. Date from when such post held may also be indicated. 12. Additional details about present employment : Please state whether working under : a) Central Government b) State Government c) Central/State Autonomous Organizations d) Central /State Government Undertakings e) Central/State University f) Private Organization. 13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay ? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn (Please attach details of gross salary/last pay slip) 15. Additional information, if any which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient. 16. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PH. If yes, please state category. 17. Notice period /No. of days likely to be availed for relief from parent Deptt. On being found fit for appointment. 18. Remarks Signature of the candidate Date : Countersigned : (Employer)
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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