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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download The Application form for Reconnaissance Permit

Download forms for state: Uttarakhand
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DepartmentDepartment of mining
TitleThe Application form for Reconnaissance Permit
Document Size87.2 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
The Application form for reconnaissance permit FORM A To be submitted in quadruplicate Received at........................(place) on...................(Date) Initial of Receiving Officer GOVERNMENT OF..... (Application for Reconnaissance Permit) [See rule 4] Dated....................day of..................20 To Through Sir, I/We request that a reconnaissance permit under the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 be granted to me/us. 2. A sum of Rs...............being the fee in respect of this application at the rate of Rs.5/- per square kilometer or part thereof payable in accordance with the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 has been deposited. 3. The required particulars are given below: (i) Name of the applicant with complete address; (ii) Is the applicant a private individual/private company/public company/firm or association? (iii) In case applicant is: (a) an individual, his nationality; (b) a company, an attested copy of the certificate of registration of the company shall be enclosed; (c) firm or association, the nationality of all the partners of the firm or members of the association; (iv) Profession or nature of business of applicant; (v) No. and date of the valid clearance certificate of payment of mining dues(copy attached); (vi) If on the date of application the applicant does not hold a reconnaissance permit, it should be stated whether an affidavit to this effect has been furnished to the satisfaction of the State Government; (vii) Mineral or minerals which the applicant intends to prospect; (viii) Period for which the reconnaissance permit is required; (ix) Extent of the area the applicant wants to prospect; (x) Details of the area in respect of which reconnaissance permit is required: (xi) Particulars of the areas mineral-wise within the jurisdiction of the State Government for which the applicant or any person joint in interest with him; (a) already holds under reconnaissance permit; (b) has already applied for but not granted; (c) being applied for simultaneously. District Taluq Area (xii) Nature of joint interest, if any; (xiii) If the applicant intends to supervise the works, his previous experience of reconnaissance, prospecting or mining operations should be explained; if he intends to appoint a manager, the name of such manager, his qualifications, nature and extent of his previous experience should be specified and his consent letter should be attached; (xiv) Financial resources of the applicant. (xv) Particulars of receipted treasury challan attached for the amount referred to at 2 above; (xvi) The works proposed to be undertaken along with their physical annual targets; (xvii) The scheme of relinquishment of the area; (xviii) Anticipated minimum annual expenditure (activity of work wise); (xix) Any other particulars or sketch map which the applicant wishes to furnish. I/We do hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct and am/are ready to furnish any other details, including accurate plans as may be required by you. Yours faithfully, (Signature and designation of the applicant) Place Date * The topographical map of 1"=1 mile scale [or 1 : 50,000] is obtainable from the office of the Survey of India, Hathibarkhala, Dehradun. Detailed plan and topographical map are to be attached in quadruplicate with the original application. Note: 1. If the application is signed by an authorized agent of the applicant, Power of Attorney should be attached. 1. The application should relate to one compact area only. Place : Yours faithfully, Dated : Signature and designation of the applicant.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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