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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Form of Confidential Report on State Civil Service Officers

Download forms for state: Arunachal Pradesh
Form Details
StateArunachal Pradesh
DepartmentPersonnel, Administrative Reforms and Administration Training
TitleForm of Confidential Report on State Civil Service Officers
Document Size45.9 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM OF CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON STATE CIVIL SERVICE OFFICERS ...... Report for the year/period___________________________________________________ Department/Office of ______________________________________________________ P A R T - I ( TO BE FILLED BY OFFICE ) 1. Name of officer and : Designation 2. Date of birth : 3. Date of continuous appointment to : the State Civil Service 4. Date of appointment to the : present post 5. Period of absence of leave during : the reporting year/period 6. Training received during the : Reporting year/period, indicating the course attended, duration of the course and the institution where attended. Contd/2. -2- P A R T - II ( TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICER REPORTED UPON ) 1. A brief summary of duties and responsibilities (not more than 50(fifty) words). 2. "Please specify important item of work in order to priority, including centrally sponsored schemes like, IRDP, NREP, RIEGP, ASMF and ICDS, wherein quantitative / physical/ financial targets / objectives / goals were set for you or set by yourself for the reporting year. Item of work Physical or financial target/objective goal Achievement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. (a) In case of shortfall of expected quality /quantity of performance please state the reasons. (b) Please indicate your contribution in case of significantly higher achievement of the target/goal/objective. Contd/3. -3- 4. Please specify the number of inspections conducted / tours performed only in case of field Officers. No. of inspections / tour expected to be performed in a year No. of inspections / tours actually performed with reasons 5. Please indicate instances, if any, of delinquency among your subordinates and action taken in such cases. Signature__________________ Place : Date : Name_____________________ Designation________________ Contd/4. -4- P A R T - II (TO BE FILLED BY REPORTING OFFICER) Note :- Every answer shall be given in a narrative form using unambiguous and simple language words and phrases should be chosen carefully and should accurately reflect the intention of the authority recording the answer. Please do not use omnibus expressions like "Outstanding" "Very good" Good, average ; below average : poor; while giving comments against any of the attributes. Space provided indicates the desired length of the answer. 1. Please comment on Part-II as filled in by the Officer, especially on the self assessment of his/her performance. 2. Please give your assessment commenting upon the following traits/attributes of the Officer. A: Applicable for all officers i) Quality of performance. ii) Communication skill (both oral & in writing). iii) Sincerity and devotion of duty. iv) Initiative, creativity, resourcefulness, willingness to take responsibility and leadership qualities. Contd/5. -5- B - FOR FIELD OFFICERS ONLY v) Behaviour with members of public, including impartiality in dealing. vi) Ability to coordinate implementation of tasks and programmes by different functionaries involved. 3. Please give your assessment on the Officer's temperamental and physical ability for field postings and secretariat / staff postings. 4. Please give your assessment on the Officer's relations with superiors, colleagues and subordinates and his/her capacity to promote team-spirit and work as a member of a team. 5. Attitude towards Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes / Weaker Sections of society. Please comment on the officers understanding an response of the problems of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and his/her efforts to deal with them. Applicable in case of Officers dealing with the development and protection of SC/ST. Contd/6/. -6- 6. (i) Please state with details if the officer has been punished during the period under report. (ii) Please state with details if the Officer has received any commendation during the period under report. 7. Please state whether the Officer is fit for induction into the IAS. 8. Please comment on the Officer's Integrity. 9. General assessment of the Officer with reference to the nature of work turned out, special responsibilities, extenuating or aggravating circumstances, etc.. 10 Please comment on the Officers character in general and value system with respect to tendering frank and honest advice to superiors, trustworthiness in fulfilling assurances of performance given by him/her, and the Officer's behaviourable pattern in dealings on matters having self-interest. Contd/7. -7- 11. Overall grading : Outstanding (Please put a ring round : Very good the appropriate grading and strike out other gradings) : Good : Average : Below Average NOTE :- An Officer should not be graded outstanding unless exceptional qualities and performance have been noticed; grounds for giving such a grading should be clearly brought out. Signature of Reporting Officer Name in block letters Designation (During the period of Report) Place : Date : Contd/8. -8- REMARKS OF THE REVIEWING OFFICER 1. Length of Service under the Reviewing Authority. 2. Do you agree with the assessment of the Officer given by the Reporting Officer ? If not, indicate the items/aspects on which you disagree and give your own assessment on those aspects/items. 3. General remarks with specific comments about the general remarks given by the Reporting Officer including grading. 4. Has the officer any special characteristics and/or any abilities which would justify his/her promotion out of turn? If so, please specify. Signature of the Reviewing Officer Name in block letters Designation (During the period of Report) Place :- Date :- Contd/9. -9- PART - V (Remarks of the Accepting Authority) (Authority next superior to the Reviewing Authority) Signature of the Accepting Authority Name in block letters Designation (During the period of report) Place : Date :
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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