D.O. No.___________________ Dated______________________ To The Chief Architect & Secretary., Department of Urban Planning, Chandigarh Administration. Sub:- Application for the supply of standard design. Sir, Kindly supply me _____________________ set (s) of drawing of the size given below:- 1. Name of the Applicant ___________________________________________________ 2. Name of the Owner ___________________________________________________ 3. Address ___________________________________________________ 4. Location of the site ___________________________________________________ 5. Drawing Required ___________________________________________________ Drawing No.___________________ Job No. _______________________ 6. Purpose for which required Fresh/ revision. I understand the responsibility for the above quoted Drawings Nos. and Job Nos. I also agree to collect the drawings within 30 days from the date of depositing the amount falling which the drawings shall become the property of the department win no claim for the refund of the amount deposited. Thanking You. Yours Faithfully, ( SIGNATURE) Rupees_________________________________________________________only. Cashier. Recieved Rupees__________________________________________________________________only vide Reciept No. ____________________________ Dated ______________________. May supply please. Suprintendent. Asst. Architect.