To The Senior Town Planner, Department of Urban Planning, Chandigarh Administration. Subject:- Application for the supply of Zoning Plan. Sir, I, the owner of plot given below the information and request to supply_______________________ drawings mentioned therein:- 1. Name of the Applicant _____________________________________________________________ 2. Address _____________________________________________________________ 3. Location of the site _____________________________________________________________ 4. Drawings Required __________________________ Fresh/Revised_______________________ 5. Drawing No. __________________________ Job NO ____________________________ I also undertake the responsibility of quoting correct drg. Nos. If I happen to quote wrong numbers and drawing are issued accordingly by the Govt. I shall not claim to ask for replacement of prints issued to me. I agree to collect the darwings within 30days from the date of my depositing the fee, falling which the drawing shall be come the property of the Deaprtment of Urban planning and I shall not calim any refund of the amount deposited by me. Or The drawings may be sent to me at the address given in column No. 2 above by Registered Post for which I am depositing Rs. 30/- ( Rupees Thirty only) towards handling charge besides the cost of prints. Thanking You, Yours faithfully, SIGNATURE REMARKS FOR SUPPLY OF ZONING PLAN 1. Yes 2. No. Divisional Town Planner. Cashier. Recieved Rupees______________________________________________________________________ vide Reciept No._________________________________________Dated________________. Cashier.