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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Renewal Of Licence To Teach Driving Of Motor Vehicles

Download forms for state: Goa
Form Details
DepartmentDirectorate of Transport
TitleRenewal Of Licence To Teach Driving Of Motor Vehicles
Document Size5.2 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM 13 [See Rules 24(2) and 25)] FORM OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWING A LICENCE TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF IMPARTING INSTRUCTION IN DRIVING OF MOTOR VEHICLES To The Regional Transport Officer, The undersigned hereby applies for renewal of a licence to run the business of imparting instructions in driving of motor vehicles : 1. Full name of the applicant -------------------------------------------------------­ 2. Son/wife/daughter of -------------------------------------------------------­ 3. Address -------------------------------------------------------­ 4. Place of business -------------------------------------------------------­ 5. Number of existing licences -------------------------------------------------------­ 6. Date of issue ------------------------------------------------------­ 7. Period of validity ------------------------------------------------------­ 8. Whether the application has been made before the --------------------------------­expiry of existing licence, if not, the reason for delay. 9. Whether the earlier licence was suspended / cancelled ------------------------------­for any reason, details thereof such as date of suspension reason for such suspension/cancellation. Date of revocation of suspension/cancellation. 10. I have paid the fee of Rs.------------ -------------------------------- Date -----------------------------------------------Signature of the Applicant Please pay the cost of form at the concerned RTO Rs.10.00 Printed from www.goatransport.Com
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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