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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Renewal of Registration of a Motor Vehicle

Download forms for state: Goa
Form Details
DepartmentDirectorate of Transport
TitleRenewal of Registration of a Motor Vehicle
Document Size7.2 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM 25 [SeeRule52 ( 1 )] Form of application for renewal of Registration of a motor vehicle, other than a transport vehicle. To, The Registering Authority, I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hereby apply for the renewal of the certificate of registration which is attached, the particulars of which are as follows:­ (a) Registered number --------------------------­ (b) Date of issue ---------------------------------­ (c) Date of expiry -------------------------------­ (d) Registering authority by which the certificate was Issued/ last renewed ------------------------------------- My present address is -------------------------------------------------------------------------------If this address is not entered in the certificate of registration, I do /do not wish that it shall be so entered. The renewal of the certificate has not been refused by any registering authority. I hereby declare that the certificates of registration has not been cancelled or suspended by any registering authority. 1. Class of vehicle ---------------------------­ 2. The motor vehicle was registered as --------------------------­ (a) a new vehicle ---------------------------­ (b) ex-army vehicle ----------------------------­(c )imported vehicle --------------------------­ 3. Type of body ---------------------------­ 4. Maker's name ---------------------------­ 5. Month and year of manufacture ---------------------------­ 6. Number of cylinders ------------------------------­ 7. Cubic capacity /Horse power -------------------------------­ 8. Maker's classification --------------------------------­ 9. Chassis number-affix Pencil print --------------------------------­ 10. Engine number -------------------------------­ 11. Seating capacity ( including driver ) -------------------------------­ 12. Unladen weight --------------------------------­ 13. Fuel used ------------------------------------­ I enclose the certificate of insurance for perusal and return. I have paid the fee of rupees ----------------------------------------------------------- Dated ------------------Signature of applicant Note :The motor vehicle above described, is not subject to an agreement of hire purchase, lease or hypothecation. The vehicle is: * (i ) Subject to hire purchase agreement/lease agreement with -------------------------------­ * (ii ) Subject to hypothecation in favour of ------------------------------------------------------­*Strike out whichever is inapplicable Signature of the registered owner Specimen signature of Registered owner. 1. 2. 3. CERTIFICATE Inspected the vehicle ------verified the chassis number and engine number. Certified that the particulars contained in the application and the corresponding particulars declared in the certificate of registration of the vehicle are true and that the vehicle complies with the requirement of the Motor Vehicle Act,1988 and rules made thereunder. Signature of the Inspecting Authority Name ----------------------Designation ----------------- Please pay the cost of this form at the concerned RTO Rs. 10.00 Printed from www.goatransport.com
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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