~ GRI\NT -IN-AID TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISA nONS DEALING WIffi SOCIAL WELFARE ACTIVITIES APPLICATION FORM 1. Name md AddreBS of the Organis3tion 2. NatW"e of the Organisation 3. nate ofF.fItahlillhment 4. Brief history and a brief acCOWlt oftlte activities of the orgAmisation since inception 5. Whether registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1866) 6. I\IWlagemetlt oftlle hiStitution (whetllet'l"W1 by managing committee elected or non elected or by an individual. Givc dctails of its comtitution with No. o~ its members) 1. Is the institution open to all sections of C{)nununity? K. Whether 1()Cated in 1tR own or rented hui1ding 9. Whether the scales of pay of the staff of the orgAmisationlinstitution arc similar to those paid by the Central/State Govenunent. If so. please attach statement showing scales of pay, duties, qualifications prescribed for comparable posts lO.PrograJlune aJld activities: Details of (a) Prcscnt activitics (b) ¥uture Programmes 11. Expenditure incurred on the maintenance of the organisation/institution for the three prc:~g yc:ars 12. Estimated expenditure on the maintenance of the organisation/institution Y CM Rccwnng Non-rccwnng 13. (i) Amount of want requested: Year Recwring Non-recwring (ii) Dctailcd justitication for requesting grant from Govenunent please indicate to what extetrt tile activities of tile ol'ga1usation contribute to social welfare programme. 14. Whether the organisation/institution is in 3 position to meet the b3l.1nce expenditure. If so, indicate the soW'ces. 15. \Jt-1lc:lher, lhc: urgimi8aliun ~ Ihc: c:x.pc:ric:n~c: and managerial ability to effectively implement the pwpose/prograIIUne for which the grant is applied for. If so, brief p6U"ticulars of the same may please be stated 16. Method of control adopted in matters of sanctioning expendinu-e, operation of bank accounts, checking and maintenance of accoWlfg. 17.List of papcrs/statcmcnts tobc cncloscd: i) Prospectus of the organisation or a detailed description of its activities; ii) Conslilulion of lh~ Board of marulgl;ffit:nl and the particular!! of each member; ill) Constitution of the organisation/institution; iV) A copy of the annual report for the previous year; v) A complete list of the members of the staff of tJ~e organisatioll/Ul8titution a10t~g witJ~ a statement showing their qualifications, cx-pcricncc, dutics, scalc of pa)', prcscnt salary and other allowances. if any; vi) A copy of the receipt and disbW'SCment statement and balance sheet for-the previous out: YC;'M cerlific;u by it I;baI"~rc;d Al;wunlanl c.- a Government Auditor; oIii) Detailed budget estimates for the year for which grant is required giving item-wise expendit1U"e: viii)A ltatcmcnt indicating thc sourccs from which coWlterpart expenditW'C is to be met ix) Information relating to the grants received or requested thereof, from other bodies ~.g:. Univ~iiy, Cml.ral/Sial~ Guv~nun~nl. CentTal/State Socia1 W e1fare Ad~1IOry Roard Or local bodics quasi Govcnuncnt institutions For the pw-poBe. The decision of those bodies On such request should be comm\micated to the Director of Hari.jan and Social Welfare then and There. . 18) List of Additional Papers. If any, 19) List of additional infonnation, if any