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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application for Registration as VTP(Vocational Training Provider under the Skill Development Initiative Scheme)

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DepartmentDepartment of education
TitleApplication for Registration as VTP(Vocational Training Provider under the Skill Development Initiative Scheme)
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. Page 1 of 12 Application Form for Registration of VTP APPLICATION FORM Instructions to fill the form: 1. Applicants are advised to read carefully the details of this Scheme and any advertisement notice issued by the DGE&T,/ RDAT/ State Director for Vocational Education before applying as Vocational Training Provider 2. This Form would be filled in by the Organization applying for Vocational Training Provider under SDIS 3. Provide two (2) copies of the application along with the application fee in the form of Demand Draft to the State Director 4. Provide one (1) copy of the application to the RDAT at Faridabad. 5. Provide the Power of Attorney of Authorized Signatory. 6. Organizations having more than one training centre in a particular state can submit a combined application for all the training centres in a particular state. Application forms are required to be filled up for each centre accompanied by separate application fee. 7. The application form, Undertaking and any other supporting documents should be signed by the Director or authorized personnel of the Institute/ Company/Firm or Officer designated by the Government (In case of Central/State Government organizations) or Chairman or Secretary of Society/Trust. 8. Copies of qualification documents as prescribed are acceptable, but must be completely legible and certified true copies, preferably by a Gazetted Officer. Copies will be retained for record purposes. All original qualification documents (and only original documents) will be returned by registered post. 9. The committee reserves the right to request original documents for verification. If falsified documents are submitted by applicant, the application will be summarily rejected and the applicant will not be eligible to apply again for registration as VTP. . Page 2 of 12 Application Letter From, Date: ______________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ To _______________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ Sir, Subject: Application for Registration as Vocational Training Provider under the Skill Development Initiative Scheme We, the undersigned, hereby apply for Registration as Vocational Training Provider under the Skill Development Initiative Scheme. We would like to state that the information provided by us is true to the best of our knowledge and belief and we understand that we are liable for action under the law for any false information or document produced by us. We also understand that DGE&T/ RDAT/State Govt. or any other representative of DGE&T shall be free to investigate on its own into the correctness of information furnished by us in this application and/or call for any further information in this regard from us. During such investigation or at any subsequent stage, DGE&T may refuse to issue the letter of registration or if already issued may cancel the same and we shall stand debarred for applying as Vocational Training Provider / Assessing Body under the SDIS. _________________________ Signature of Authorised Person Name & Designation: Address : Phone No.: E-mail: . Page 3 of 12 1. Contact Details Name of the Organization Name of the Head of the Organization Contact Details Address: City: District: State: Pin Code: Telephone: Mobile: Fax: Email: Website: Name of the Centre for which registration as VTP is sought Contact Details Address: City: District: State: Pin Code: Telephone: Mobile: Fax: Email: Website: . Page 4 of 12 2. Preliminary Data a. Whether applying for First Time ? Second Time ? Third Time ? Registration for the b. If re-applying, please specify the last date / s of application and reasons of not being selected c. Date of Registration / Incorporation 3. Educational / Training Institutes and Organizations/ Institutes set up by Government Sr No. Type of Institute Whether institute affiliated/ accredited to any of the institution mentioned below? Yes / No Details and Documentary Proof A ITIs/ITCs/Colleges/ Schools/Distance Education Institue/Organizatio ns/Autonomous Organizations NCVT / AICTE / MCI / INC / NCHMCT / Any other? In case, the Accreditation Body is a Council, then it should be set up under the Central Government Ministry Central/ State / UT Government University University recognized by UGC Central/ State Board of Secondary Education Board of Technical Education Distance Education Council of India University recognized by DEC of India Institutes approved by International Air Transport Association (IATA) or International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Set up by Central/ State/UT government In case of autonomous . Page 5 of 12 organizations Any other (Please specify The documentary proof in the above would be Certificates of Registration / accreditation clearly highlighting the date of Registration and the Accrediting Body . Page 6 of 12 4. For Companies/ Firms/Registered Societies/ Trusts S Type of Institute Documents / Information to be Details and No. furnished Documentary Proof a. Providing training under Date of Registration for providing Apprentices Act, 1961 training under Apprentices Act 1961 Attach Certificate of Registration Letter from Competent Authorities for satisfactory work performance OR b. Registered Organization in Certificate of Incorporation India Number of full time employees at the time of submission of application Permanent Income Tax Account Number (PAN) Service Tax Registration Number Audited accounts of statements for the last three years OR c. Hospitals/ Nursing homes Certificate of Registration with appropriate local authority Date of Registration No. of beds Details of Training Infrastructure Service Tax Registration Number OR d. Chambers of Commerce Number of members at the time of and Industry / Associations submission of application of Industries or Trade OR . Page 7 of 12 e. Others engaged in Date and Certificate of being Registered providing Training as Company /Firm/ Trust/ Society conducting vocational education / training / job oriented / self employment/ entrepreneurship development training courses Name of the Management / Trust Letter from Competent Authorities for satisfactory work performance Whether trained 1000 persons in the last three years under a Central Government Scheme? Permanent Income Tax Account Number (PAN) Service Tax Registration Number Audited accounts of statements for the last three years Self Attested Undertaking that it is not black-listed by any Government entity in India 5. Financial Performance Summary For Last Three Years (To be filled in by those organizations which are maintaining the audited accounts of statements) In Indian Rupees FY - 1 FY - 2 FY - 3 Turnover Profit after Tax Net Worth . Page 8 of 12 6. Technical Proposal for Vocational Training under SDI Scheme Background of the organization with reference to its experience in promoting, managing and operating training mandates; its legal standing with respect to its registration; details of its promoters including their background Training domain activities related to the sectors / trades in which it proposes to impart the training since its inception and its growth plan Methodology of Training, Training Infrastructure and amenities available at its centres Policy with regards to Trainers recruitment, retention and development Industry tie-ups for imparting training & Industry tie-ups for post-training support in the form of generating employment (wage employment/ self employment / any other) Any other relevant information Please attach a write-up covering all the above mentioned points. The Information provided herein should be adequately supported by relevant documents 7 Details of application fee Demand Draft Number Date Payable at Bank Amount 8 Bank Details for the purpose of payment of release of funds from RDAT to VTP Account Details to be submitted after selection DD to be drawn in favour of Payable at Bank account details . Page 9 of 12 9. Details of the MES Sectors/Courses for which VTP proposes to conduct training Name of the Sector MES Course Code Name of the Courses Name of the Organization Signature of Authorised Person Name and Designation : Phone No : E-mail : . Page 10 of 12 Supporting Documents Please submit the following supporting documents (whichever applicable) along with the application form: 1. Copy of the Certificate of Registration from the relevant Accreditation Body 2. Copy of Registration of Society/Trust along with details of constitution, memorandum of association of the Society/Trust. 3. Certification of Incorporation of the Company 4. Copy of the letter from Competent Authority for satisfactory work performance 5. Details of latest fund position along with relevant Bank account available with the applicant for this proposal. 6. Supporting documents for Technical Proposal 7. Application fee 8. Audited Statements Check list regarding documents submitted by the applicants Sr.No List of documents (To be filled by the applicants) Comments (To be filed by the office) . Page 11 of 12 For Official Use (To be filled in by the State Directorate) To be filled by the authorized officer of the State Directorate dealing with the Craftsmen Training Scheme The information furnished by the applicant is found to be correct as per the record available to the Directorate Any other comments: _____________________________________________________ Signature of Authorised Person Name and Designation : . Page 12 of 12 For Official Use (To be filled in the RDAT) Registration No : Permission granted for running the following MES Courses Name of the Sector MES Course Code Name of the Courses Any other comments : ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Authorised Person Name and Designation : Phone No : E-mail :
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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