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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application form for Applying for Rechecking Answer Sheets

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentDepartment of education
TitleApplication form for Applying for Rechecking Answer Sheets
Document Size28.3 KB
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PUNJAB STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (APPLICATION FORM FOR APPLYING FOR RECHECKING OF ANSWER SHEETS) __________Examination__________ Note All particulars in the form must be filled in by the candidate in his/ her own handwriting. No addition/ alteration shall be allowed after the form has been received in the office of the Board. Incomplete form or wrongly filled form is liable to be rejected. Refer to instructions overleaf before filling in the form. Use Block Capital only. ______________________________________________________________________ To The Secretary, The Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training, Chandigarh. Sir, I,_________________________________(name) son/ daughter of Shri ______________________ Registration No. _________________________________ am a student of _____________ semester/ year studying in __________________________________ (institution) wish to apply for rechecking of the following subjects: - Subjects Marks Obtained 1. _____________________________________ __________________ 2. _____________________________________ __________________ 3. _____________________________________ __________________ 4. _____________________________________ __________________ 5. _____________________________________ __________________ A specimen of my handwriting is as per the sample given below: - (Use running hand only) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am attaching a demand draft bearing machine No. ___________________ dated ____________of Rs. _________________________of ________________________(bank) drawn in favour of the "Secretary, The Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training" payable at Chandigarh. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Signature of the Student TO BE ATTESTED BY THE PRINCIPAL OF THE INSTITUTION Certified that the candidate is/ was a bonafide student of this institution and is eligible to apply for rechecking of answer sheet(s) are requested by the student above. Signature of the Principal INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applications are to be submitted to the Principal of the institution in which the applicant is studying or which he attended last. 2. Rechecking fee @ 50/- for each answer sheet and @ 10/- for each supplementary sheet is to deposited by way of a Demand Draft on a natiionalised bank in favour of "The Secretary, The Punjab State Board of Technical Education and Industrial Training" payable at Chandigarh. 3. The application form for rechecking filled in candidate's own hand must be submitted to the Principal within 20 days of the notification of result by the Board. 4. The application is to be forwarded by the Principal of the institution with a certification that the student is/ was a banafide student of the concerned intuition. 5. Application form should be fill for each trade Separately. 6. The scope of rechecking of the answer sheet (s) shall be (a) that all answers and the sub parts of the answers have been assessed by the examiner, (b) that the grand total of the each question their sub parts is correct, (c) that the applicant's hand writing matches with the ahnd in which the answer sheet (s) have been written, (d) that the best attempts have been counted while totaling the marks obtained. 7. The answer sheet (s) shall not be shown to the applicant. 8. Column for sample handwriting should be copying a few lines from any text book of engineering subjects. 9. Rechecking is permissible for the semester/ annual examinations except (a) practical conducted in the institutions, (b) sessional marks internal assessment, (c) viva voce examination, (d) general fitness, education tour marks. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Rechecking allowed for: Subjects Semester/ Year 1. _____________________________________ ________________ 2. _____________________________________ ________________ 3. _____________________________________ ________________ 4. _____________________________________ ________________ 5. _____________________________________ ________________ Rechecking allowed for: Subjects Semester/ Year 1. _____________________________________ ______________ 2. _____________________________________ ______________ 3. _____________________________________ ______________ 4. _____________________________________ ______________ 5. _____________________________________ ______________ Reasons for not allowing rechecking: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount received as rechecking fee Rs. ________________ Net amount Due Rs. ______________, Net amount to realised/ refunded Rs. _______________ Registrar
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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