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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Application Form for Transfer of Plot/House/Commercial Site

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DepartmentDepartment of housing and urban development
TitleApplication Form for Transfer of Plot/House/Commercial Site
Document Size61.7 KB
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FORM II APPLICATION FORM FOR TRANSFER OF PLOT/HOUSE/COMMERCIAL SITE PLOT NO/HOUSE NO/SITE NO................SECTOR/PHASE SIZE/CATEGORY.............Residential/Commercial 1. Name of Allottee 2. Name of Father/Husband: (of allottee) 3. Permanent Address: (of allottee) (TELEPHONE NO.) 4. A. Name of GPA with full address B. No. & date of issue of GPA C. Place where GPA is registered 5. a) Name of Sub Attorney with full address : (if applicable) b) No. & date of issue of Sub Attorney: c) Place where Sub Attorney is registered 6. Correspondence Address (of applicant) (TELEPHONE NO.) 7. Allotment/Re-allotment Letter No.........Dated .......... 8. Family Transfer/Other Transfer (Tick mark whichever is applicable) 9. No. of transfer/other transfer 10. In case of plots : a) Whether vacant/partially constructed/fully constructed (tick whichever is applicable) b) Total constructed covered area .... sq. ft. 11. Name & address of transferee 12. Detail of Deposits Transfer/Process Fee Rs ...... Bank Draft No. .... Dated ..... Drawn on ....... 13. Whether the following documents attached: i) Affidavit of transferor/seller (Page 2,3) ii) Affidavit of transferee/Purchaser (Page 4, 5) iii) Indemnity Bond (Page 6) iv) Affidavit of transferee regarding violations of building Byelaws of (Page 7) v) Certified copy of GPA and Sub-Attorney vi) Certified regarding no dues till date(including extension fee) vii) Original allotment letter/Reallotment letter viii) NOC from mortgage (if applicable) APPLICANT (TRANSFEROR) Certified that all information furnished in this form is true to the best of my/our knowledge APPLICANT (TRANSFEROR) The text and format of this form can be changed any time with the change in policy matters. (Specimen of Affidavit to be furnished by Transferor (Allottee) on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 15/- along with Passport Size Photograph pasted on the affidavit and duly attested by Executive Magistrate or Magistrate First Class) AFFIDAVIT I/We ________________________ S/o D/o w/o Sh. ____________________ R/o _____________aged __________ years do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1. That Plot/Site/House No. _________ Phase ___________ measuring________ Sq. Yds. at Urban Estate ___________ was allotted/transferred to me _________________________ S/o ___________________ R/o ________________________ on _______________ at the tentative price of Rs. ______________. 2. That all dues of the plot/site/house up to date _________ have been paid to PUDA. 3. That I/We want to transfer/sell the said plot/site/house to Sh. _________________ S/o_____________________ R/o _______________________________________. 4. That I/we am/are legally empowered to transfer/sell the said plot/site/house and that there is no stay order of any court or litigation of any kind involving PUDA pending in any Court of Law regarding the transfer/sale of the above said plot/site/house. 5. That plot/site/house is free from mortgage OR The plot/site/house if mortgaged to ____________________ and NOC from the Mortgage is attached. DEPONENT(S) VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of Paras No. 1 to 5 of above affidavit of mine/ours are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. No part thereof is false and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT(S) PLACE: DATE: (Specimen of Affidavit to be furnished by Transferor (GPA/Sub Attorney) on non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 15/- along with Passport size Photograph pasted on it and duly attested by Executive Magistrate or Magistrate First Class. AFFIDAVIT I/We ______________________ S/o,D/o,W/o Sh. ____________________ R/o ______________ aged _______ years do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1. That plot/site/house no. ________________________ Phase _____________ measuring __________ Sq. Yds. at Urban Estate ___________________ was allotted/transferred to Sh._______________ S/o Sh. __________________________ R/o _________________ on ______________________at the tentative price of Rs. ________________________ 2. That all dues of the plot/site/house up to date __________ have been paid to PUDA. 3. That I/we ____________________________ S/o D/o W/o _________________________ R/o ___________________ hold the General Power of Attorney No. _________________ Dated__________ registered in the office of Sub Registrar___________ for the said plot/site/ house on behalf of Shri/Smt. ____________ S/o _________________ R/o _________________which he/she has neither revoked nor cancelled. 4. That I/we_____________________________ S/o D/o W/o _____________________ R/o _____________hold sub attorney no. ________________ dated ____________ registered in the office of Sub Registrar ____________ for the said plot/site/house on behalf of GPA holder Shri/Smt. _____________ S/o __________________ R/o _______________ which he/she has neither revoked nor cancelled applicable) 5. That Shri/Smt. ___________________ S/o D/o W/o _______________ who executed the General Power of Attorney is still alive and GPA holder Shri/Smt. ________________ who executed the Sub Attorney is also still alive (whichever is applicable). 6. That I/we want to transfer/sell the said plot/site/house to Shri/Smt. __________________ S/o D/o W/o ________________________ R/o __________________ 7. That I/We am/are legally empowered to transfer/sell the said plot/site/house and that there is stay order of any court or litigation of any kind pending in any Court of law regarding the transfer/sale of the above said plot/site/house. 8. That Plot/Site/House is free from mortgage and other encumbrances OR That plot /site/house is mortgaged to ___________________ and N.O.C. from the mortgage is attached. DEPONENT(S) VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of Paras No. 1 to 8 of above affidavit of mine/ours are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. No part thereof is false and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT(S) Place: APPLICATION TO BE FURNISHED BY TRANSFEREE (only in case of transfer of Plot/House/Sites) To The Estate Officer, PUDA ____________ Subject: Application for the transfer of Plot No./House No./Commercial Site No. ________Sector/Phase __________ Urban Estate _____________. Sir/Madam, That I/we have agreed to purchase above mentioned plot/house/site from its owner Shri/Smt. __________________ S/o D/o W/o _____________________ R/o ___________________ (through his GPA) Shri/Smt. ________________ S/o D/o W/o __________________ (if applicable) and before entering into agreement with the transferor, I/We have satisfied myself/ourselves about the title of the property and the genuineness of transferor & the documents. So, the above mentioned Plot/House/ Commercial Site may be transferred in my/our name/names in the PUDA records. Yours sincerely, ....... TRANSFEREE(S) Dated: (Specimen of Affidavit from purchaser/Transferee on non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 15/- along with Passport Size Photograph duly attested by Executive Magistrate or Magistrate First Class). AFFIDAVIT I/We ___________________ S/o D/o W/o Shri ____________________ aged __________________Years R/o ______________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1. That I/We have agreed to purchase/get transferred Plot/House/Commercial Site No. _______________ situated in Sector/Phase __________ at ______________ from its owner Sh./Smt. ___________________ R/o ____________________ (through his GPA/SPA-Sh./Smt. _______________________ if applicable.) 2. That after the property is transferred in my/our name. I/We or My/Our legal heirs assigns & successors shall abide by the provisions of the Punjab Regional & Town Planning & Dev. Act, 1995 and the rules bye-laws framed there under, as amended from time to time and the conditions of the allotment. 3. That I/We or my/our legal heirs assigns & successors shall pay Additional Price, Extension fee and other dues, if any, in respect of the said plot/house/site as and when demanded by the Estate Officer irrespective of the execution of conveyance deed/sale deed. In case of failure on my/our part to pay the final/additional price and extension fee or other dues to the Estate Officer the Competent Authority may resume the said plot/house/site. 4. That I/We shall construct the building on the plot/site within the stipulated period in accordance with the sanctioned building plan (if applicable) failing which I shall pay Extension fee as determined by PUDA. 5. That I/We shall not make any additions/alterations in the said property without prior approval of the Estate Officer, PUDA. 6. That I/We shall not use the said property for any purpose other than the purpose for which it has been allotted. 7. That I/We shall execute Hire Purchase Agreement within __________ days from the date of issue of permission to transfer/NOC (in case of house only). 8. That I/We shall not hold the Estate Officer responsible for any loss/damage caused to us at any later stage due to the transfer made/NOC issued by the Estate Officer on the basis of the documents submitted for the purpose. DEPONENT(S) VERIFICATION: Verified that the contents of Paras no. 1 to 8 of above of mine/ours are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. No part thereof is false and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT(S) Place: Date: (Specimen of Indemnity Bond to be submitted by transferee/Purchaser on Non-judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 15/- alongwith passport size photograph pasted on it and duly attested by Executive Magistrate). INDEMNITY BOND This Indemnity bond is executed at _______________ on this _____ day of ____(Month) 2000 by _____ S/o ________________ R/o _____________________ aged ________ years. Whereas I/We, the above said executant(s) of this bond have agreed to purchase Plot/ House/Commercial Site No. ______________ Urban Estate _____________ measuring _____________ owned by Shri/Smt. ____________ S/o D/o W/o ___________________ R/o _______________________________. Therefore, I/We, the above named executant(s) of this bond in the capacity as transferee(s)/purchaser(s) of Plot/Site/House No. _______________ hereby declare that before entering into agreement with the seller. I/We have satisfied myself/ourselves about the title of the property and about the genuineness of the seller, who is/are still alive. I have also satisfied myself about the documents of GPA/Sub-GPA which are still valid and are duly executed by original owner/GPA holder and have not been cancelled /revoked till date. In case any damaged/claim/dispute arises in respect of the property at any later stage because of the genuineness of the above said transaction of the transfer, then I/We shall at all times indemnity and keep harmless the Estate Officer, PUDA ___________ from all disputes/claims/damages & actions & proceedings taken against him, and the Estate Officer, PUDA ________ or any of his officials shall be entitled to make good all such damages/claims/losses from me/us and from my/our legal heirs, assigns and successors or from the above said property which is now being transferred in my/our names and in that event I/We shall have no objection to any action of the Estate Officer PUDA_________ including cancellation/resumption of this property. In witness whereof I/We have put my/our hands on this bond on the day month and year first above mentioned in the presence of the witnesses. EXECUTANT(S) WITNESSES: 1._____________________ 2. _____________________ (Specimen of Affidavit from Purchaser/transferee on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 15/- along with passport size photograph duly attested by Executive Magistrate or Magistrate Ist Class in case of violations of building byelaws) AFFIDAVIT I/We ______________________ S/o D/o W/o _________________ aged _____ years ___________ R/o _____________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:- 1. That after the property is transferred in my/ours name(s), I/we or my/our legal heirs, assigns & successors shall abide by the provisions of the Punjab Regional & Town Planning & Dev. Act, 1995 and the rules, byelaws framed there under or amended from time to time and the conditions of allotment. 2. That I/we shall be liable to pay the required compounding fee in regard to all the compoundable violations and will demolish/alter the non-compoundable violations, which are existing in the building to bring it in accordance with the approved building plan. DEPONENT(S) VERIFICATION: Verified that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT(S) Place: Date: INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM 1. In case of family transfer, Family means: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Husband/wife, Brother and Sister. 2. All payments should be made by a bank draft only, drawn in favour of Estate Officer, PUDA payable at __________________________ 3. Transfer Fee/Process Fee is chargeable as under:- A. HOUSES: (i) Transfer fee: 5% of the allotment price of the house is chargeable w.e.f. 30.06.97. However the rate of 10% transfer fee will remain enforce for the allotments made prior to 30.06.97 and no refund of transfer fee is allowed on the transfers already made. (ii) Rs. 250/- is charged as transfer fee in family transfer cases. (iii) Process fee Rs. 1000/- 4. There is no bar on joint ownership in two or more names. The transfer fee shall be chargeable in proportionate to the share being transferred. Addition/deletion of names shall be regarded at transfer at above rates. B. RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL PLOTS:- (i) The transfer fee will be charged @ 2.5% of allotment price of auction price of the plot in case of residential plots and 2.5% of the auction price in case of commercial plots, subject to the minimum as under:- RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Plots measuring 500 sq. yds. Rs. 40,000/- Booth: Rs. 25,000/- Plots measuring 400 Sq. yds. Rs. 30,000/- SSS: Rs. 40,000/- Plots measuring 300 sq. yds. Rs. 20,000/- SCO/SCF: Rs. 75,000/- Plots measuring 250 sq. yds. Rs. 15,000/- Plots measuring 200 sq. yds. Rs. 10,000/- Plots measuring 150 sq. yds. Rs. 7,500/- Plots below 150 sq. yds. Rs. 5,000/- (ii) Family transfer will be/allowed on payment of following transfer fee as follows: RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 500 sq. yds. Rs. 10,000/- Booth Rs. 10,000/- 400 sq. yds. Rs. 8,000/- SSS: Rs. 20,000/- 300 sq. yds. Rs. 6,000/- SCO/SCF: Rs. 30,000/- 250 sq. yds. Rs. 5,000/- 200 sq. yds. Rs. 4,000/- 150 sq. yds. Rs. 3,000/- Below 150 sq. yds. Rs. 2,000/- (iii) In case of constructed plots, additional transfer fee for constructed covered area @ Rs. 10/- per sq. ft. will be charged (Applicable to Family Transfer also) (iv) The processing charges in case of transfer will be as under:- Residential Plots : Rs. 1,000/- Commercial Plots : Rs. 2,000/- 4. Rate of Extension Fee for non-construction. (Non-construction means that completion/occupation certificate has not been obtained) A. FOR RESIDENTIAL PLOTS: Extension fee for the year ending on 31st December 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Allotment made before Dec. 1989 2% 2% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1989 where period of 8 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1990 where period Of 7 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1991 where period Of 6 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1992 where period Of 5 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1993 where period Of 4 years expires on 31-12-97 Of 7 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 3% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1994 where period Of 3 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 3% 3% Allotment made in 1995 where period Of 2 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 3% 3% Thereafter year (1st yr) (2ndyr) (3rd yr) (4thyr) (5th yr) (6th yr) (7th yr) Note: Percentage rate to be calculated on the prevailing allotment price. (This rate is subject to change from time to time as per policy) B. FOR COMMERCIAL PLOTS: Extension fee for the year ending on 31st December 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Allotment made before Dec. 1989 2% 2% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1989 where period of 8 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1990 where period Of 7 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1991 where period Of 6 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1992 where period Of 5 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1993 where period Of 4 years expires on 31-12-97 Of 7 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 3% No extension beyond 31-12-2000 Allotment made in 1994 where period Of 3 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 3% 3% Allotment made in 1995 where period Of 2 years expires on 31-12-97 2% 2% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 3% 3% Thereafter year (1st yr) (2ndyr) (3rd yr) (4thyr) (5th yr) (6th yr) (7th yr) Note: Rates on the percentage basis to be calculated on the auction price of plot. Rate of Extension fee w.e.f. 1-1-1988 to 31-12-1997 applicable as per policy revised from time to time. However where the three years period for completing the construction has already expired on 31-12-1987, the extension fee will be applicable w.e.f. 1-1-1988. FOR OFFICE USE Application of Sh./Smt. ______________________________ for permission to transfer Plot/Site/House No. __________________ Sector/Phase _____________ has been checked and documents at Sr.No. _____________ have been received. Payment of Rs. ___________ vides receipt no. ____________ has also been received. (Signature) Assistant(S.W.S.) Date: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP Application received for Transfer of Plot/Site/House from Sh./Smt. _______________________ GPA/Sub GPA/SPA (if applicable) of Sh./Smt. _______________________________________ in respect of Plot/Site/House No. __________________________ Sector/Phase ________________ on _________________ File No. _____________________ and a sum of Rs. ______________ vide receipt No. ________________ has been received. The applicant may contact the Estate Office on (date) _______ to collect the document otherwise the documents will be despatched by post on ______________ . Signature of Diary Clerk
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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