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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Form of Letter Sanctioning Family Pension to the Child or Children of a Retired Government Servant Who Dies after Retirement but does not leave behind a Widow or Widower

Download forms for state: Punjab
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DepartmentSocial Security and Pension
TitleForm of Letter Sanctioning Family Pension to the Child or Children of a Retired Government Servant Who Dies after Retirement but does not leave behind a Widow or Widower
Document Size64.2 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
FORM ­20 [See Rule 81 (2)] Form of letter sanctioning Family Pension to the child or children of a retired Government servant who dies after retirement but does not leave behind a widow or widower No............... Government of India Ministry of .............. Department/Office............... Date....... To, The Pay and Accounts Officer / Accountant­General ..................... ..................... Subject: ­Grant of Family Pension to the child/children Sir, I am directed to say that Shri / Shrimati............................................................................................. formerly................................................................................. (Designation) in this Ministry /Department was authorized pension of Rs ......................................with effect from................................................. on his / her retirement from service. 2. Intimation has been received in this Ministry / Department / office that Shri / Shrimati ..................................................................... died on.......................... and that at the time of death left no widow / widower but was survived by the following children:­ 3. In terms of Rule54 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, the amount of Family Pension will be payable to the children in the order mentioned above. The Family Pension will be payable on behalf of the minor to Shri/Shrimati ............................................. who is the guardian. 4. Sanction for the grant of Family Pension of Rs........................ per month to the children mentioned above is hereby accorded. The family Pension will take effect from .......... And subject to the provisions of sub­rule (6) of rule 54 of the Central Civil Services( Pension) Rules, 1972, will be tenable till ............. 5. The family Pension is debitable to the Head .................... 6. Attention is invited to the information furnished in the list of enclosures. Sl. No. Name Son / Daughter Date of Birth in Christmas era Date from which family pension ceases to be payable (1) (2) (3) (4) 7. The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged and this Ministry / Department / Office informed that instructions for the payment of Family Pension, to the guardian have been issued to the disbursing authority concerned. Yours faithfully, Head of Office.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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