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Wednesday, 01 September 2010 05:30

Download Loan Application to the Commercial Bank for Financing Tiny, Small Scale Industries

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DepartmentDepartment of Industries & Commerce
TitleLoan Application to the Commercial Bank for Financing Tiny, Small Scale Industries
Document Size38.8 KB
Text of the PDF document(for quick reference)
Sr. No. 300 DISTRICT INDUSTRIES CENTRE, ________________ LOAN APPLICATION TO THE COMMERCIAL BANK FOR FINANCING TINY, SMALL SCALE INDUSTIRES & OTHER NON-FARM VENTURES (COMPOSITE LOAN APPLICATION FORM FOR NEW AND EXISTING SSI UNITS) To The Chief Manager/Senior Manager/Branch Manager 1. Name & Address of the applicant 2. Educational qualification, if any 3. What is the Technical Qualification/Experience of the applicant (attested copies of the same be attached) 4. Whether the applicant belongs Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe. If so attach requisite Certificate 5. Purpose of Loan, indicate type of industry and attach Copy of Project profile 6. Present Bank, if any & nature of account 7. Amount of loan required a. For Land & Building b. For Plant & Machinery c. For working Capital 8. What is the arrangement for Power, if required 9. No. of persons employed/purposed to be employed 10. Raw material required and whether these are available locally 11. Where the products will be sold. 12. Performance:- Existing Projected Monthly Sales Rs. (A) Monthly Expenses Rs. Raw material stores/spares Wages & Salaries drawing Rs. Drawing for subsistence or Prop./Partners Other expenses like power, rent etc. Rs. Total Rs. (B) Monthly Surplus (A-B) (C) COMPUTATION OF COMPOSITE LOAN REQUIREMENTS i. Term loan component (Where required) a. Details of financial requirements for factory building, machinery etc. (Estimates/Invoices to be enclosed) Sr. No. Item Supplier Cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total Rs. (D) Affix Passport Size Photograph Less: Applicant's contribution if any Rs. (E) Loan required: Rs. (F) ii. Working capital component required Minimum stocking of raw material required ____ ______ ____ days of production (i) Production time for converting raw material into finished goods __________ days (ii) Stocking period for finished goods _________________________________ days (iii) Normal credit given on sales _____________________________________ days (iv) Total length of the operating cycle (total of (i) to (iv) ________________ days (v) (G) Working capital required i.e. Raw material and expenses required for the period Rs. BXG/30-(H) Less amount that can be contributed by applicant as working capital Rs. _____ (I) Amount required as working capital loan from the bank _______ (H-I) Rs. ____(J) Total composite loan required (F + J) Rs._____(K) Full Name and Signature of applicant DECLARATION: It is certified that I/we are permanent redisent(s) of _________________ Block _____Tehsil_______ Distt. ______________ and the unit will be setup at ___________ It is further certified that I/we have no borrowing of any loan for this purpose from any Bank/financial Institution and the information required by financial Institution as well as Distt. Industries Centre, _________________ shall be submitted on demand and I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the financial institution Place: Date: Full Name and Signature of applicant DETAILS OF DOCUMENTS TO BE ATTACHED WITH THE APPLICATION 1. Passport Size Photographs in duplicate 2. Photocopy of Ration Card or any other satisfactory identification in Duplicate 3. Copy of the project profile 4. Copy of Partnership deed if applicable 5. Quotations of the Machinery and Equipment 6. Copies of balance sheet for the last three years, if the unit is already existing 7. Copies of SSI Registration Certificate 8. List of Machinery already installed RECOMMENDATIONS Recommended and forwarded in duplicate to the General Manager District Industries Centre, __________________ with following details: 1. Name & address of the applicant 2. Loan amount recommended 3. Purpose of loan 4. General remarks It is certified that the applicant intends to start an industry at _____________ which fall in services of ______________ Block Level Extension Officer (_______________/ Senior Industries Promotion Officer -1 and 2 OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER, DISTRICT INDUSTRIES ________________ Recommended as under:- a. Land & Building Rs.________________ b. Machinery & Equipment Rs.________________ c. Working Capital Rs.________________ TOTAL Rs. General Manager Distt. Industries Centre ___________________ N.B.-Units financed under this scheme shall be eligible for investment incentives/Sales Tax Exemption and other Incentives as per industrial policy and Incentive code of government of Punjab in force from time to time.
Last Updated on Friday, 17 December 2010 05:30

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